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Office of Sustainability News Archive

Waste Reduction Week aims to keep materials out of the landfill

October 16, 2015 — 
Did you know that coffee cups are now recyclable on campus?

Plants growing on the UMSU roof top deck

Food Challenge

October 8, 2015 — 
An opportunity for students to create change on campus



U of M receives STARS Silver rating for sustainability achievements

August 28, 2015 — 
Sustainability Tracking, Assessment and Rating System measures and encourages sustainability in all aspects of higher education.

Summer campus-pedway

Four tips for (sustainably) beating the heat

August 11, 2015 — 
Tips to help you keep cool and stay friends with your office mates

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Shopping cart with food products

Research and International

Creating a new and sustainable food source for northern communities

July 31, 2015 — 
A biosystems engineering team at the U of M are creating innovative greenhouses to help food production in the North

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PHOTO CREDIT: University of Manitoba Sustainability Facebook page.


Market Tuesday returns

July 20, 2015 — 
Fresh greens including cucumber, lettuce and more is available through the University of Manitoba Student Community Garden.

Converting waste into biofuels

Converting waste into biofuels

July 15, 2015 — 
University of Manitoba researchers Richard Sparling and David Levin are co-leaders in a $10.4 million international collaboration looking for new ways to convert waste materials like wood chips and straw into biofuels and other products.

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Anna Weier with the Office of Sustainability offers five pieces of advice for commuters considering riding to work or school for the first time


Top 5 tips for new cyclists

June 9, 2015 — 
Anna Weier with the Office of Sustainability offers five pieces of advice for commuters considering riding to work or school for the first time.

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Campus Beautification Day 2015

Campus Beautification Days 2015 & Grand Prize Winner

June 8, 2015 — 
Campus Beautification is successful thanks to the help of the many faculty, staff and students who volunteer their time to make our campuses look amazing

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Staff parking fees to be harmonized with student rates

June 3, 2015 — 
Effective September 1, 2015, staff monthly parking fees will match student rates

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