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Desautels Faculty of Music News Archive

Desautels Faculty of Music students Josh Bonneteau (drums), Joyce German (saxophone) and Sam Fournier (bass) perform on the future concert hall site.

Desautels Concert Hall giving campaign offers chance for lasting tribute

September 7, 2023 — 
Take your seat in stunning new venue

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Research and International

Four new Royal Society of Canada scholars named at UM

September 5, 2023 — 
Four UM professors have been elected to the Royal Society of Canada (RSC), the country’s most esteemed association of scholars and scientists.

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Desautels Faculty of Music

The multi-talented Aemilia Moser takes flight

August 2, 2023 — 
2023 graduate Aemilia Moser is setting the stage to wow Canada.


Harnessing AI’s creative potential

July 24, 2023 — 
Step into the fascinating world of music composition, where Örjan Sandred, Professor of Composition at Desautels Faculty of Music, is revolutionizing the creative process with the aid of AI.

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Desautels Faculty of Music

Everything Joel Ulrich touches turns to gold

June 13, 2023 — 
2023 DFOM graduate Joel Ulrich found a home in music, exceled, and will be helping to lift up the next generation of musicians

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Desautels Faculty of Music

The multi-talented Joyce German’s “Genesis” has begun

June 9, 2023 — 
2023 Desautels Faculty of Music graduate Joyce German is ready for wherever the stage takes her, and has set her sights on South Sudan.

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Desautels Faculty of Music

Perla of wisdom for future generations

June 6, 2023 — 
2023 Desautels Faculty of Music graduate Perla Wiens is prepared for a future as an exceptionally talented music educator.

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Desautels Faculty of Music

Don’t Cry for Onello Bahingawan

May 23, 2023 — 
The Desautels Faculty of Music's Onello Bahingawan won over the Winnipeg Music Festival judges with his performances of "Cry For Me" and "I Don't Care Much."

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Desautels Faculty of Music

Spreading love for Ukraine

May 12, 2023 — 
Desautels alumni and students take the stage to show their love for Ukraine

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Desautels Faculty of Music

Music theory takes the stage with free events for the public

May 2, 2023 — 
The Desautels Faculty of Music will be hosting the annual Music Theory Midwest conference, and will present a concert

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