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graduate studies News Archive

Faculty of Science

The University of Manitoba interacts with world-renowned researchers

March 14, 2017 — 
World-class research being performed at the University of Manitoba in Spin Mechanics

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Brandy Usik

Faculty of Education

Teachers tackling special needs on First Nations

November 25, 2016 — 
Keeping students like this in school is among the reasons why Quill and some 75 other elementary-, middle- and high-school teachers from almost every First Nations school in the province joined the RISE program this month.


Graduate Student Orientation takes place on Sept. 6 & 7. Events are free and registration is required.

Been there, haven’t done that

August 23, 2016 — 
Considering the seemingly countless number of hours new grad students have already spent in school, at first glance, another orientation session might seem unnecessary. It's not.

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Professor Cyrus Shafai is one of 71 U of M professors who will share $10,317,757 in funding from NSERC's Discovery Grants program.

$11.5 million announced for research

June 23, 2016 — 
Established researchers and research trainees at the University of Manitoba will receive new funding for grants and scholarships from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) over the next five years


Ross McCallum

Scholarships change lives, ask Ross McCallum

June 8, 2016 — 
Scholarships eliminate financial barriers, are a catalyst for student success, and ensure that the university attracts and retains top students

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Faculty of Education

Q & A: PhD candidate committed to First Nations education

June 2, 2016 — 
Murdock currently researching First Nations education leadership for schools on reserves in Manitoba

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Faculty of Education

Education alumna making her mark amongst Canada’s principals

April 28, 2016 — 
Sheena Braun named one of the country’s top 40 principals

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Faculty of Education

Grad Symposium focused on education for creative and responsible citizens

April 5, 2016 — 
17th annual event featured research presentations from 16 students

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Faculty of Education

Three Minute Thesis forces competitor to ‘simplify, and deliver message with brevity’

March 14, 2016 — 
Masters student spoke about her research in challenges faced by use of data in education during competition

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Gary Wong – 2016 Outstanding Young Alumni Award Recipient

Announcing the recipient of a 2016 Distinguished Alumni Award for Outstanding Young Alumni

February 29, 2016 — 
Gary Wong's findings not only conquered Ebola but inspired the development of antibody therapies for other deadly viruses, including HIV

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