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Faculty of Science News Archive

Picture of Amal Ibrahim

Faculty of Graduate Studies

Student Success Month feature: Amal Ibrahim on life as a grad student and mother of four

October 20, 2020 — 
As part of Student Success Month, we are featuring UM students that have a story to tell about their experiences navigating the challenges of student life.   

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Arctic water. // Image from Pixabay.

Faculty of Science

Arctic Research Foundation partners with UM and RRC to revolutionize public access to big Arctic data

October 5, 2020 — 
A new partnership between the University of Manitoba (UM), Red River College (RRC), and the Arctic Research Foundation (ARF) is setting out to unlock the big data secrets previously hidden in Canada’s Arctic.

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UM physicists part of international team for historic first

September 24, 2020 — 
UM researchers on an international team of physicists have made the first precise measurement of the weak force between particles in the universe

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Shubhneet Thind, Schulich Leaders Scholarship recipient.


Meet this year’s Schulich Leaders: Shubhneet Thind

September 11, 2020 — 
A keen student, dedicated volunteer and a natural leader, Shubhneet Thind is entering the Faculty of Science as one of the University of Manitoba’s Schulich Leaders Scholarship recipients.

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Dr. Brent Roussin at a desk


Calm in crisis

September 11, 2020 — 
Dr. Brent Roussin on leading Manitoba’s pandemic response

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Nine Order of Manitoba recipients have UM connections

September 10, 2020 — 
Nine UM community members will receive the Order of Manitoba today at an intimate, reduced-capacity investiture ceremony at the Manitoba Legislative Building.

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2019 Merit Awards announced

September 8, 2020 — 
Faculty recognized for outstanding teaching, research, scholarly work and creative activities, and service

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Distinguished Professor Aniruddha Gole [MSc/80, PhD/82], recipient of the Dr. John M. Bowman Memorial Winnipeg Rh Institute Foundation Award

Research and International

Rh Awards Recognize UM Research Excellence

September 8, 2020 — 
Tune in on Sept. 22, 7 pm on the UM YouTube channel to view the Rh Awards Celebration, and hear a bit about each recipient’s research from them, personally.

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Faculty of Science

Winners of the 2020 3MT Undergraduate Student Competition

August 31, 2020 — 
The winners of the 2020 Summer Undergraduate Research Experience 3MT thesis competition hosted by the Faculty of Science are:

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generic research image

Twenty UM researchers receive JELF funding

August 26, 2020 — 
Twenty UM researchers have been awarded support for their work this week through the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) John R. Evans Leaders Fund (JELF).

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