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Faculty of Science News Archive

Faculty of Science

UM mathematicians at the forefront of infectious disease modelling

April 9, 2021 — 
UM researchers: Drs. Julien Arino, Stéphanie Portet, and Kang-Ling Liao, (mathematics) are part of a $10 million-dollar investment in Emerging Infectious Diseases Modeling established between the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council and the Public Health Agency of Canada. The funding supports five multidisciplinary infectious disease modelling networks, that will significantly improve the coordination of infectious disease modelling to help Canada better respond to future public health threats.

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Faculty of Science

Ph.D. student Daniel Rea wins Bill Buxton Dissertation Award

April 9, 2021 — 
Daniel Rea received the Award for the 2020 doctoral dissertation, “Now You’re Teleoperating with Power: learning from video games to improve teleoperation interfaces,” completed under the supervision of Dr. Jim Young in the UM Human-Computer Interaction Lab (HCI).

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Microphone graphic from iStock.

Faculty of Science

Share the value of your degree!

April 1, 2021 — 
Are you an entrepreneur that is interested in sharing your journey with graduate and undergraduate students? The Science to Business Winnipeg Chapter is looking for Faculty of Science alumni to be guest speakers for an upcoming event. Please contact for more information.


A waterway in northern Manitoba.

Finding ways to better protect a vital resource on World Water Day

March 22, 2021 — 
On World Water Day, what does water mean to you?

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Asper School of Business

University of Manitoba Undergraduate Team Wins North American Case Competition

March 16, 2021 — 
A duo of Asper undergraduate students paired up with the Price Faculty of Engineering to place first in the Digital Workplace Innovation Case Competition

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Virtual 3MT competition in 2020.

Faculty of Graduate Studies

2021 3MT finalists announced

March 10, 2021 — 
The results are in: After three competitive heats, the 12 finalists for the Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) competition have been chosen

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Jayanne English, associate professor, physics and astronomy, Faculty of Science.

Faculty of Science

Dr. Jayanne English recipient of the 2021 Qilak Award

March 10, 2021 — 
The Faculty of Science is thrilled to announce that Dr. Jayanne English, Department of Physics and Astronomy, at the University of Manitoba has been selected by the Canadian Astronomical Society (CASCA) for the 2021 Qilak Award. The Qilak Award for Astronomy Outreach and Communication recognizes individual Canadian residents, or teams of residents, who have made an outstanding contribution either to the public understanding and appreciation of astronomy in Canada or to informal astronomy education in Canada.

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Faculty of Science

Wouter Deconinck recipient of the 2021 UM Sustainability Award

March 8, 2021 — 
Wouter Deconinck, Associate Professor of Physics, is the recipient of the 2021 UM Sustainability Award. The award recognizes exceptional and continuous integration of sustainability into teaching, research and engagement activities. Deconinck began teaching at UM less than two years ago, and already he has introduced unique course and program offerings that have engaged students and benefited our campus community.

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Parliament Buildings in Ottawa. // Image from Library of Parliament

Two monumental projects to impact our understanding of who, and where, we are

March 3, 2021 — 
Researchers at the University of Manitoba are receiving a combined $4.7 million in funding for two projects

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As a matter of fact, they do sweat the small stuff

March 3, 2021 — 
A newly-funded particle physics experiment may be able to look into the structure of individual electrons—particles that have so far been indivisible

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