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Faculty of Education News Archive

BEd practicum

Faculty of Education

‘I feel respected. I feel loved. I feel valued.’

April 12, 2019 — 
Esmat Dorbeiginameghi didn’t let being a newcomer deter her from continuing her 20-year career in teaching when she moved to Manitoba from Iran.


Artist Don McMaster

Faculty of Education

Portrait of an artist as a retired teacher

April 10, 2019 — 
Imitation may be the best form of flattery, and it’s also the best way to learn, says McMaster, who cites as inspiration to paint professionally, Andrew Wyeth, one of the best-known American artists of the 20th century.


Gemma Dalayoan [BEd/83, MEd/90]


Gemma Dalayoan: 2019 Distinguished Alumni Award Recipient for Community Service

April 1, 2019 — 
'I wanted to be a teacher so I could make a difference'

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Shelley Moore

Faculty of Education

Inclusion about ‘teaching to difference’

March 25, 2019 — 
Inclusion in classrooms is not only about including people who are different, but moreover about teaching to difference, says Shelley Moore, an educator and speaker on special-needs students.

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Faculty of Education

Indigenizing STEAM concepts

March 11, 2019 — 
Inspired by her mother’s teachings in traditional arts-and-crafts, and her father’s love of science, Farrell-Morneau focuses on Indigenizing STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics) concepts in the classroom.

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Victoria McIntosh, Access student and artist

Extended Education

Grandmother from Sagkeeng goes back to school

February 27, 2019 — 
"Access allowed me to have confidence in myself, to know I can do this. Someone is always here. I don’t feel alone.” - Victoria McIntosh, Access student

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Gemma Dalayoan [BEd/83, MEd/90]


Gemma Dalayoan: 2019 Distinguished Alumni Award Recipient for Community Service

February 25, 2019 — 
Since coming to Winnipeg more than 40 years ago, Gemma Dalayoan [BEd/83, MEd/90] has made community service her mission in life

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Sustainability Night: Exploring the UN Sustainable Development Goals

February 25, 2019 — 
Come join us for Sustainability Night on March 7 to connect with other sustainability-focused people

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Dr. Erik Magnusson

Faculty of Education

Granting advice

February 8, 2019 — 
Research adviser Dr. Erik Magnusson has two words of advice for anyone applying for a grant: Start early.


Suzi Friesen, director of programming for Project 11, leads a class in mindfulness meditation.


Trailblazer Talks: Keeping kids off thin ice

January 29, 2019 — 
Former Bison Hockey captain Dwayne Green [BEd/00] on Project 11 and filling a gap in youth mental health education

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