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Faculty of Education News Archive

Research and International

COVID-19 anxiety in the age of the anthropocene

March 1, 2021 — 
Graduate student Sarah Paradis work will show how traditional learning environments, such as schools and classrooms have become impacted by the pandemic

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Dr. Francis Amara in a lab with young students in the background.

Rady Faculty of Health Sciences

Scholar of teaching and learning honoured with medical education award

February 25, 2021 — 
The Canadian Association for Medical Education will present UM's Dr. Francis Amara with a Certificate of Merit Award, recognizing his significant contribution to medical education.

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UM alumni are good reads too!

February 17, 2021 — 
We've highlighted a few selections for book lovers to enjoy during I Love to Read Month

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Classroom chalkboard

The Conversation: Restraining and secluding students with disabilities is an urgent human rights issue

January 6, 2021 — 
UM researches find schools using physical restraint and seclusion spaces, further marginalizing children with disabilities

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For those who teach children ages five and under, communicating while wearing a mask may have special challenges. (Shutterstock)

Top Conversation Canada stories of 2020

December 22, 2020 — 
Take a look at illuminating research written by members of our community

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Research and International

Meet Robert Mizzi, the new UM Canada Research Chair (CRC) in Queer, Community and Diversity Education.

December 16, 2020 — 
Advancing equity, diversity and inclusion in education

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Eleven new Canada Research Chairs awarded to UM faculty

December 16, 2020 — 
New CRC research explores a range of health, social and science fields

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Empty study space of the Master of Human Rights students at Robson Hall

Faculty of Law

Master of Human Rights students share practicum experiences in inaugural symposium

December 4, 2020 — 
Students in the practicum stream of the University of Manitoba’s inter-faculty Master of Human Rights programare nearing completion of their placements, and are already making major contributions to local human rights organizations, as revealed at an online symposium held November 30th.

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Elementary school students at their desks behind barriers for COVID-19

The Conversation: Students with disabilities should have the option of in-person learning during COVID-19 school closures

November 24, 2020 — 
Schools should be making plans to continue safe in-person learning for students with disabilities for whom remote learning simply does not work.

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Loretta Caribou outside in winter

Faculty of Education

First graduates of Inclusive Language and Literacy Master of Education

October 20, 2020 — 
The University of Manitoba Fort Garry campus is a long way from the tiny community of Pukatawagan in Northern Manitoba. A settlement of the Mathias Colomb Cree First Nation, it has approximately a population of 3500 and is accessible only via the train from Pukatawagan to The Pas, or plane and on an ice road in the winter.

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