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COVID-19 News Archive

Vaccine vials lined up

Vaccine eligibility expanded to anyone 18 years and older

May 12, 2021 — 
As of May 12, anyone 18 years and older is eligible for the vaccine, following an announcement from the province


Shared Health chief nursing officer Lanette Siragusa addresses media at a news briefing.

Rady Faculty of Health Sciences

Laser-focused Leadership

May 11, 2021 — 
Celebrating National Nursing Week and acknowledging all nurses and nursing students across Manitoba for their vital contributions

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Kim Barthel event graphic

Faculty of Education

When trauma becomes a way of being

May 7, 2021 — 
We are constantly engulfed in the energy of anxiety, says Kim Barthel (BMR, OT/84).


Ruth Barclay works with a client learning to use Nordic walking poles.

Rady Faculty of Health Sciences

Walking study shows older adults finding ways to be active in COVID lockdowns

May 3, 2021 — 
Many older adults in Canada don’t regularly walk outdoors, despite limits to the activity impacting mobility, social isolation and other quality of life factors. In 2021, a year into the COVID-19 pandemic, the risks may be even higher than normal.

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COVID-19 vaccine vials, syringes and a blue mask on a green table.

President’s message on COVID-19 vaccinations

April 16, 2021 — 
'The vaccine gives us great hope that we will be able to get to the other side of this pandemic and resume the in-person engagement we all miss so dearly'

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Head of Ongomiizwin Melanie MacKinnon


Head of Ongomiizwin’s community connections helps guide COVID-19 First Nations response work

April 16, 2021 — 
Melanie MacKinnon has been working tirelessly to advocate on the COVID-19 Pandemic Response team for First Nations communities in Manitoba

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Dr. Prabhat Jha stands in front of a colourful wall decoration.

Rady Faculty of Health Sciences

Global health citizen

April 14, 2021 — 
As a renowned epidemiologist, Prabhat Jha [MD/88] leads massive research studies around the world, including projects in Sierra Leone, Ethiopia and India.

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A child wears a face mask.

Rady Faculty of Health Sciences

Children less infectious than adults infected with COVID-19

April 9, 2021 — 
Children may not be as infectious in spreading COVID-19 to others as previously thought, according to new University of Manitoba-led research in CMAJ Canadian Medical Association Journal.

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UM staff at the Awards of Excellence celebration.

Human Resources

Recognize outstanding COVID-19 response by nominating support staff for the 2021 Awards of Excellence

April 5, 2021 — 
Support staff employees to be honoured with these awards will demonstrated extraordinary efforts to maintain critical operations, to assist faculty and students in transitioning to online classes, to support critical research or facilitate the shut-down and restart of research activities, and to ensure the safety and well-being of others—all accomplished with emphasis on effectively supporting the academic mission of UM during the pandemic.

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Early evidence suggests that younger people are at the highest risk of poor mental health outcomes from the COVID-19 pandemic. // Canva

COVID-19’s parallel pandemic: Why we need a mental health ‘vaccine’

March 23, 2021 — 
The pandemic’s impact on mental health throughout our society will likely outlive COVID-19

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