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Centre for Professional and Applied Ethics News Archive

Group of small tropical islands from an aerial view.

Faculty of Arts

Fair treatment for an overlooked group of refugees

February 8, 2024 — 
Nabil Iqbal is a Master of Human Rights student and a 2023-24 recipient of a Centre for Professional and Applied Ethics (CPAE) Graduate Fellowship. He is keenly interested in finding ways to help improve the rights of an often overlooked refugee group – those who are forced to move across borders because of the threats to their homeland from climate change.

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Arthur Schafer

Faculty of Arts

CBC Manitoba: Familial DNA searches come with risks, rewards in solving MMIWG cold cases

February 5, 2024 — 
Familial DNA searches come with risks, rewards in solving MMIWG cold cases

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AI generated graphic of robot and human handshake.

Research and International

Exploring the ethics and future of generative AI

January 15, 2024 — 
Experts in generative AI technology will share their insights at the UM Knowledge Exchange presentation Next Steps with Generative AI.

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Neil McArthur

Faculty of Arts

Maclean’s: The sexbots are coming

October 16, 2023 — 
In the next year or two, we’ll have sophisticated, purpose-built bots designed for relationships, sex and intimacy

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illustration of robot and human holding hands

Strange new tech world? We have courses for that.

July 17, 2023 — 
Five courses teaching students how to think about and apply technology in new ways so that we can make sure the cows are happy and the machines don’t toy with our emotions.

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Five students and 1 teacher sitting around a trophy all showing the number 1 winning finger.

Faculty of Arts

High School Ethics Bowl brings together Manitoba’s future thinkers

March 1, 2023 — 
On February 24, 2023, 18 high schools from across Manitoba gathered in the Tier Building at the University of Manitoba to compete in the 9th annual Manitoba Regional High School Ethics Bowl competition, hosted by the UM Centre for Professional and Applied Ethics in cooperation with the Manitoba Association for Rights and Liberties (MARL) and the Canadian Commission for UNESCO.

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Sea turtle swimming over the Great Barrier Reef, with sunlight gleaming through the ocean water from above.

Faculty of Arts

Determining if non-sentient beings, like the Great Barrier Reef or the Mona Lisa, have rights

February 6, 2023 — 
Dimitar Tomovski is an MA student and 2022 recipient of a Centre for Professional and Applied Ethics graduate fellowship. The fellowship has allowed him to pursue his research on the rights of non-sentient beings with more financial freedom. The fellowships are open to UM faculty, instructors and graduate students from all fields and all faculties.

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a robot hand holding a human hand, surrounded by hearts

Faculty of Arts

Harper’s: Ghosting the Machine

April 25, 2022 — 
Humans, robots, and the new sexual frontier


Op-ed: Online counselling tool raises questions

April 3, 2020 — 
It's a great idea, in principle: the Manitoba government has announced a program to provide online therapy to people during the COVID-19 pandemic. But...

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People stand in silhouette holding hands.

Op-ed: Social resilience is key to emerging from this pandemic stronger and better

March 26, 2020 — 
'If our governments can create and sustain public morale over an indefinitely long period of time then it’s possible we will emerge from the pandemic as a stronger, fairer and more cohesive society'

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