Board of Governors News Archive

Nora Murdock elected to the Board of Governors
May 26, 2020 —
UM alumni have chosen Nora Murdock [PhD/16, MEd/05, CertEd/78, BA/78] to bring their voice to the University’s Board of Governors.

Alumni, vote now for your Board of Governors representative
April 15, 2020 —
Voting closes May 15

Jeff Lieberman re-elected as alumni representative on U of M Board of Governors
May 23, 2019 —
For nearly three years, Lieberman has represented alumni on the Board, serving as Board Chair for the past two years

BOG Support Staff Assessor and Alternate election results announced
May 23, 2019 —
Both are two-year terms commencing on June 1, 2019

Alumni, vote now for your Board of Governors representative
April 15, 2019 —
Voting open until May 15

Nominations for Support Staff Assessor, Alternate Assessor, BOG
April 8, 2019 —
Board of Governors seeking two support staff positions

Board of Governors nominations now open
February 15, 2019 —
You or a fellow alumnus could make a difference in the lives of students and the community at large by playing an important role in helping guide the direction of the U of M as a member of the Board of Governors.

Three-time U of M grad to provide Indigenous voice
June 6, 2018 —
Carla Loewen [BEd/01, BA/03, MEd/16], has been elected as the newest alumni representative

Voting open for alumni representative on the U of M Board of Governors
March 5, 2018 —
Alumni from across Canada and the United States nominated 25 individuals to represent fellow graduates

Board of Governors nominations now open
January 8, 2018 —
Alumni are invited to help make a difference in the lives of students with a seat on the Board of Governors