Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SOTL) Program calls for applications
Professors, instructors and librarians are invited to apply for SOTL funding.
February 23, 2022 —
The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SOTL) Program provides opportunities for professors, instructors and librarians to meaningfully engage in projects that increase knowledge in pedagogy and learning.
The SOTL Program also invites applications for teaching scholars and teaching fellows, two new funding streams that provide opportunities for enhancing educational leadership.
Four SOTL funding streams:
- Teaching and Learning Seed Project: This program is available to all full-time tenure track/tenured faculty and probationary/continuing instructors and librarians. Funds up to a maximum of $6000 per project. Approximately ten (10) will be funded.
- Teaching and Learning Major Project: This program is available to all full-time tenure track/tenured faculty and probationary/continuing instructors and librarians. Funds up to a maximum of $25,000 per project with matching/in-kind contributions from the unit(s). Approximately three (3) will be funded.
- Teaching Scholars: This program is offered to three (3) tenure-track faculty members and priority may be given to those individuals who have completed the Teaching and Learning Certificate Program.
- Teaching Fellow: This program will support one (1) tenured faculty member. The successful applicant will dedicate between 40-50% of their time for a two-year term. The program will provide funds for a course release instructor(s), as well as a project funding up to $25,000 over the duration of the fellowship and units will provide matching funds.
The application deadline for each of the four funding streams is May 1, 2022.
To learn more about the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Program, read the full call for applications and download application forms on the Provost website.