New and enhanced learning opportunities for employees
Program registration now open
Over 50 workshops and training sessions are available to employees at the U of M, offered by learning and organizational development.
Three new programs have also been added: UM Staff Training Essentials Program; a career planning series; and a number of learning labs.
“We’re excited to be offering new and enhanced programs this fall based on feedback we’ve received from our community,” says Joshua Hartlin, facilitator and new media specialist, learning and organizational development.
“If you deliver training, I encourage you to register for UMSTEP. We’ve added a final capstone day where participants will have the opportunity to showcase their newly acquired skills by designing and delivering their own short training session.”
UM Staff Training Essentials Program (UMSTEP) certificate
This staff training essentials program provides a comprehensive foundation in workshop design, development, and training delivery skills for anyone who may be asked to provide training to others.
After completing the series of workshops, participants will receive a certificate from human resources.
My UMCareer: A career planning series
LOD is offering a series of skill building lunch and learns to support staff as part of their career development plan. Workshops include creating a career plan, resume and cover letter writing, interview preparation, and the series concludes with an opportunity to build a career map.
Learning labs
September 2019 to June 2020, there will a monthly series of short workshops and presentations focused on topics of interest and relevance to the community. The first learning lab will be held on September 30 and will focus on treaties and the Indian Act. Registration is open to all employees.
Other learning opportunities cover topics such as coaching, health and wellness, presentation skills and equity, diversity and inclusion.
Click here for the full list of professional development programming offered by LOD, human resources.