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Faculty of Science News Archive

Faculty of Science News

Science Rendezvous 2018 delightfully messy

May 15, 2018 — 
Four thousand attendees, 300 pounds of cornstarch,1000 servings of liquid nitrogen ice cream, and 600 bags of popcorn, Science Rendezvous 2018, held Saturday, May 12 was a tactile extravaganza!

Faculty of Science News

“Big on Birds: Dr. Emily McKinnon to Speak at ‘Birds Vs. Windows’ Outreach Event”

May 14, 2018 — 
“Birds vs. Windows” is being presented in order to educate the public about the devastating impact of window collisions on bird populations, as well as how to prevent them and what to do with injured birds. This outreach event is part of NSERC’s Science Odyssey.

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Faculty of Science News

“Not Just a ‘Cold One’: Science on Tap Shows the Many Sides of Beer”

May 10, 2018 — 
A microbiologist, a chemist, a neuroscientist and a medieval historian walk into a brewery… No, it’s not a joke, it’s this year’s “Science on Tap”, part of Science Odyssey Week! If you’re up for beer with a side of knowledge, then this adults-only evening is a must.

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A partial view of the apparatus used at Jefferson Lab to measure the weak charge of the proton. The electron beam travelled down a vacuum pipe from left to right. Electrons scattered from the liquid hydrogen target were selected by a contoured shielding system and deflected radially outwards by an 8-fold symmetric magnetic spectrometer in the center of the figure; they were detected by an array of quartz Cerenkov bars forming the black octagonal structure at the far right. The Canadian group designed and constructed the magnetic field coils with support from NSERC and TRIUMF. U of M students and scientists played a key role in building and operating the electron detector array, which was surrounded by a heavy concrete shielding structure (not shown) during data taking.

Faculty of Science News

The weak side of the proton

May 9, 2018 — 
An international team, including several university of Manitoba researchers, have gained new insight into the most elusive of the four fundamental forces in nature


Faculty of Science News

Full STEAM ahead – Science Rendezvous!

May 8, 2018 — 
Science Rendezvous, a free day of fun and discovery returns to the University of Manitoba, Fort Garry campus Saturday, May 12

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Winnipeg: Smart city – intelligent community

May 1, 2018 — 
The first session of the Dean’s Lecture Series on May 2


Rick Riewe collecting plants early in his career

Ride with Rick

April 30, 2018 — 
Rick Riewe, a 76-year-old retired senior biologist with Parkinson’s Disease, is preparing to go on the trip of a lifetime

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Faculty of Science News

‘Messy and Magical’: Elementary students to enjoy ‘Discovery Days’ May 3 and 4

April 27, 2018 — 
Paper marbling, a potions class à la Hogwarts School of Wizardry!, math mania or a physics stunts show? These are just some of the options available to the nearly 2,000 elementary school students attending this year’s “Discovery Days” on the University of Manitoba’s Fort Garry campus. Hosted by the Faculties of Science and Engineering on May 3rd and 4th.

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Faculty of Science News

Mathlete in the House: NFLer-cum-mathematician John Urschel to deliver public lecture at U of M

April 23, 2018 — 
When Stephen Kirkland, head of the Department of Mathematics, invited John Urschel, former NFL star, PhD student, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, (MIT), to speak at the U of M, the gesture, he confesses, wasn’t solely altruistic. There was a bit of self-interest at play as well.

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BBC Science Focus: U of M’s Jennifer named among “10 of the greatest robots in sport”

April 13, 2018 — 
Jennifer, a diminutive robot created by students at the University of Manitoba Autonomous Agents Laboratory, demonstrated her prowess at both cross-country skiing and ice hockey!

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