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Faculty of Science News Archive

Faculty of Science News

National microbiology conference welcomes respected Listeria researcher Dr. Nancy Freitag

June 18, 2018 — 
A respected Listeria researcher and professor of microbiology and immunology at the University of Chicago at Illinois is the plenary speaker the 68th Annual Canadian Society of Microbiologists Conference

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Michael Kehler

Schulich Leader Scholarship allows two more students to chase their dreams

June 12, 2018 — 
Michael Kehler, a student at Calvin Christian School and Alex Kitt of Dakota Collegiate are this year’s recipients

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Faculty of Science News

Mathematical idealist: UofM grad Ryan Sherbo hopes to help society, one equation at a time

June 11, 2018 — 
What do you get when you combine mathematics with a desire to make the world a better place? You get a University of Manitoba grad with a Bachelor’s degree in Honour Mathematics, a specialization in Applied and Computational Math, and dreams of using their knowledge to help others?

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Faculty of Science News

Celebrating the Class of 2018

June 6, 2018 — 
Meet two outstanding new Faculty of Science Alumni.

Faculty of Science News

The Power of relationship building for Indigenous youth

June 6, 2018 — 
Addressing the complex issue of underrepresentation of Indigenous youth in post-secondary studies, and STEM fields. Darja Barr, Department of Mathematics, outlines new recruitment initiatives at the University of Manitoba to attract and support Indigenous youth.

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Photo of Taylor Nimchonok with ice-wall in the background

Faculty of Science News

Celebrating the class of 2018

June 6, 2018 — 
Meet Taylor Nimchonok, graduating with a Bachelor of Science

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Faculty of Science News

Gail Davoren’s Research Sheds Light on the Role of Capelin in the North Marine Food Web

June 5, 2018 — 
A slender, silvery fish around six or seven inches long, the capelin is not what you might call a particularly impressive specimen. Yet without this little denizen of the deep, the food chain off the coastal waters of Newfoundland (amongst others) would likely collapse.

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Elizabeth Skoropata is recipient of the Governor General's Gold Medal, awarded for outstanding achievement at the graduate level

2018 Governor General’s Gold Medal Recipient

June 4, 2018 — 
Elizabeth Skoropata is this year’s recipient of the Governor General's Gold Medal

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Faculty of Science News

Black Holes Play Hide-and-Seek in Low-Luminosity Radio Galaxies

May 24, 2018 — 
Every galaxy is thought to harbor a supermassive black hole in the center, or nucleus, of the galaxy, and in active galaxies this black hole is fed by infalling matter. This “central engine” is typically surrounded by dusty molecular gas in a doughnut configuration, which hides the black hole and the infalling material from our view along certain viewing directions. The picture of a central engine plus obscuring doughnut is thought to apply to all accreting supermassive black holes, explaining the apparent variety of active galaxies from the very brightest quasars to the lower-luminosity radio galaxies under a single “unified scheme.”

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Student and parents at Head Start

Giving new students a Head Start

May 23, 2018 — 
On June 2, future University of Manitoba students, their parents and families are invited to visit the Fort Garry campus for Head Start, a half-day event designed to help them prepare for the first year of university by meeting faculty, staff and other students, exploring the campus and finding out about student services and supports.

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