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Faculty of Science News Archive

Alex Kitt (left) and Michael Kehler have each been awarded Schulich Leader Scholarships

Introducing the next generation of technology innovators

August 21, 2018 — 
Two incoming U of M students have each been awarded Schulich Leader Scholarships

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Faculty of Science News

Girls Summer Math Camp a fun new way to spend the summer

August 14, 2018 — 
When you’re a teenage girl thinking of a fun way to spend your summer vacation, doing math problems usually isn’t at the top of your list. University of Manitoba Professor Susan Cooper is on a mission to change that. Cooper and the Department of Mathematics offered a math camp this past July 19th for Grade 7 & 8 girls who have an interest in and aptitude for the subject. Called M.A.G.I.C. (Math And Girls In Contact), the camp was free to applicants, who were placed in small groups to work on a project about containing infectious diseases and investigating vaccination and quarantine rates. Emphasis was put on real-life problem-solving skills, as well the chance to enjoy mathematical games and guest presentations. The focus was not only on math, but on opportunities for the young women to meet and work with other girls who enjoy the subject. 

Students News

Empowered to use her voice

July 31, 2018 — 
Hear from past Schulich Leader Scholarship recipient Alexa McAdam

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National Geographic: How Do You Study Endangered Whales? Collect Their Snot

July 26, 2018 — 
Master’s student Justine Hudson spends her field days attempting to sample beluga snot to measure stress levels across the population

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Faculty of Science News

City News: Tracking with tiny tech

July 25, 2018 — 
University of Manitoba researchers are using miniaturized technology to track long-distance migration of certain insects and songbirds.

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Finally, a breathtaking photo of beluga whale snot

July 25, 2018 — 
Master's student Justine Hudson studies beluga whales via their snot and captured a striking photo in the process

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Richard Dupuis on a hike to the top of Ha Ling Peak near Canmore, Alta.

Alumni Abroad: Reaching peak nature

July 13, 2018 — 
In anticipation of Canada’s Parks Day on July 21, we’re featuring alumni like Richard Dupuis who live and work in our nation’s parks

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Faculty of Science News

First place win for students at Robocup

July 5, 2018 — 
The Autonomous Agents Lab won first place in the Technical Challenges category at the 2018 Robocup Robotics Competitions

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Kyla Smith

Can we build a better MRI?

July 2, 2018 — 
Graduate student Kyla Smith is developing a silent and more accessible solution

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Brad Cownden

Using supercomputers, math, and way-out-there thinking to study the big bang

June 25, 2018 — 
'There are amazing ideas in the pipeline'

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