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Human Resources News Archive

Human Resources News

The University of Manitoba and UMFA request third party assistance

October 21, 2016 — 
The University of Manitoba and University of Manitoba Faculty Association (UMFA) will seek assistance from a third party to help bring negotiations to a positive and timely conclusion.


Admin building

Human Resources News

U of M makes full comprehensive settlement proposal accessible

October 8, 2016 — 
The University will, in the interests of openness and transparency, make the full text of the comprehensive settlement proposal available to the community.

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University of Manitoba Admin building

Human Resources News

Travel Booking and Expense Management steering committee will launch in October

October 5, 2016 — 
A steering committee has been established to oversee the work of improving U of M’s travel booking and expense management processes.

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Human Resources News

Take Our Kids to Work Day at U of M

October 5, 2016 — 
The University of Manitoba will host the annual Take our Kids to Work Day on Wednesday, November 2, 2016 at both the Fort Garry and Bannatyne campus.

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Admin building

Human Resources News

U of M presents comprehensive offer of settlement to UMFA

September 28, 2016 — 
The University of Manitoba is convinced the 2016 round of bargaining will lead to improvements which support the work of our faculty members, provide stability for our students, advance the University’s Strategic Plan and provide the best learning and work environment in the province.


October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month!

September 26, 2016 — 
This year, the U of M will recognize the month with initiatives and communications that engage and educate users.

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Human Resources News

Eligible faculty and staff to enjoy 2016 premium holiday

September 12, 2016 — 
Decision results in a slight increase in net pay for eligible faculty and staff, September to December 2016

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Summer campus-pedway

Human Resources News

Employee Family Assistance Program offers wide range of confidential services

September 12, 2016 — 
Employee Family Assistance Program (EFAP) offers wide range of confidential services

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Human Resources News

The value of inclusion, and other useful tools

September 7, 2016 — 
Starting on September 6, staff can register for over 75 individual workshops that will take place between September 20 and December 15

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University of Manitoba Admin building

Human Resources News

Insulin and diabetic supplies

September 6, 2016 — 
Faculty and staff need to follow certain steps when claiming insulin and diabetic supplies

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Emergency: 204-474-9341