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Faculty of Graduate Studies News Archive

a beluga whale on the water's surface

Beluga whales modifying what they eat due to climate change, U of M study

November 8, 2017 — 
Finally, some good news for the Greenland halibut

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Dr. Todd Mondor

Meet the Dean: Todd Mondor

October 30, 2017 — 
'I’d like every student who chooses to study in a graduate program at the University of Manitoba to have an outstanding experience'

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a stethoscope wraps around the globe

Heinz Bohnet Travel Award for post-docs in endocrinology and metabolic disease

October 19, 2017 — 
The awardee must have presented a lecture or poster at an international or national conference/workshop during the period April 1, 2017, to September 30, 2017, or has been selected to present a lecture or poster at a conference/workshop during the period October 1, 2017 to March 31, 2018.

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Madeline Stanley in her field lab.

Commending perseverance

October 17, 2017 — 
1,467 students receiving their parchment at this year’s Fall Convocation

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Adam Nepon (IH Asper School of Business graduate student and year 1 problem winner) and Darren Fast (Director, Technology Transfer Office)

Game Changer: Manitoba’s Idea Competition

September 26, 2017 — 
It’s time to assemble a team to answer one of the six winning problems for a chance to win the $10,000 grand prize

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2017 Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships recipients Jacqueline Hay and Deirdre Khan.

Three U of M students earn recognition with Vanier Scholarships

September 20, 2017 — 
The recipients of these prestigious awards are: Jacqueline Hay, Deirdre Khan, and Nickolas Kosmenko

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Jacqueline Hay

Faculty of Graduate Studies News

Meet Vanier Scholar Jacqueline Hay

September 20, 2017 — 
When she was eight, she hung from a monkey bar for 11 minutes to prove a point, which was that she could hang from a monkey bar for 11 minutes

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Vanier Scholar - Deirdre Khan

Faculty of Graduate Studies News

Meet Vanier Scholar Deirdre Khan

September 20, 2017 — 
To this day, an incident from kindergarten involving a unicorn and a witch deeply bothers her

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Game Changer - Manitoba's Idea Competition

Phase one of Game Changer has begun

August 29, 2017 — 
$20,000 up for grabs in Manitoba’s idea competition

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Setting up for success

August 29, 2017 — 
Co-hosted by the Faculty of Graduate Studies, Student Life and the University of Manitoba Graduate Students' Association, a full slate of events is planned to help ease the transition to graduate school

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