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News from
Faculty of Graduate Studies
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Faculty of Graduate Studies News Archive

2019 Vanier Scholar: Kyle Monkman

May 16, 2019 — 
Kyle Monkman is one of six 2019 Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship recipients from the University of Manitoba - a record setting year for the university.

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2019 Vanier Scholar: Ley Fraser

May 16, 2019 — 
Ley Fraser is one of six 2019 Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship recipients from the University of Manitoba - a record setting year for the university.

2019 Vanier Scholar: Andrew Hogan

May 16, 2019 — 
Andrew Hogan is one of six 2019 Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship recipients from the University of Manitoba - a record setting year for the university.


2019 Vanier Scholar: Allison Balasko

May 16, 2019 — 
Allison Balasko is one of six 2019 Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship recipients from the University of Manitoba - a record setting year for the university.

Elena Bilevicius

2019 Vanier Scholar: Elena Bilevicius

May 16, 2019 — 
Meet Elena Bilevicius, one of six 2019 Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship recipients from the University of Manitoba - a record setting year for the university.


Faculty of Graduate Studies News

Results of the PhD Graduate Project

May 14, 2019 — 
The Faculty of Graduate Studies is excited to share the results of the PhD Graduate Project, which was conducted over a six-month period in the latter half of 2018.

Applications Open for Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships

May 10, 2019 — 
If you’ve completed your doctorate degree within the last two years and are looking to take your research further, we invite you to apply for a Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship


Reading a book. Trees in the background. // Image from Pixabay

Alumni News

10 inspiring books to read this summer

May 7, 2019 — 
We asked our alumni and UM community to tell us about the most inspiring books they’ve ever read and they answered with an eclectic list

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Books on a shelf. // Image from Pixabay

Alumni News

What book has influenced your life?

April 30, 2019 — 
Hear from five alumni on their summer reading recommendations and share your own!

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Faculty of Graduate Studies News

3MT champ heads to Western Regional Competition

April 16, 2019 — 
U of M's Three Minute Thesis winner Kevin Boreskie competes at Western Regionals on April 17

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