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Extended Education
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Extended Education News Archive


Extended Education News

The Access Program: Lighting the Path Through University

June 2, 2017 — 
Students find support in the people, place, and programs with the Access Program.


Extended Education News

Mixing Books with the Beach: How High School Grads Can Create a Brighter Future this Summer

June 2, 2017 — 
How recent high school grads can create a brighter future with Extended Education at the University of Manitoba.

Extended Education News

From War to a Warm Welcome

July 18, 2016 — 
From War to a Warm Welcome

Mini U & Extended Education welcome Syrian refugees

July 8, 2016 — 
Approximately 30 Syrian refugees currently living in Winnipeg will be spending July 11-22 at the U of M

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a graduating class standing in the sunshine

Extended Education News

A golden graduation

June 13, 2016 — 
59 graduands honoured at Certificate in Management and Administration Program’s 50th Graduation Gala



Seventeen students recognized for hard work, perseverance, and participation in Sagkeeng First Nation

May 4, 2016 — 
Celebrate the First Nations Community Wellness Diploma Program

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Business card that says "Manager/Leader"

Even if you’re last to register, you still come out in the lead

April 18, 2016 — 
Last minute Reminder for the First Annual Managers Symposium

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Business card that says "Manager/Leader"

Extended Education News

Symposium: Unleash your inner leader

April 4, 2016 — 
First Annual Managers Symposium starts April 29


(l-r) Gary Tong, Amy Dytnerski, Jesslyn Janssen, Ken Oliver, Adam Nepon (missing: Riley Bell).

Game Changer: Now the work begins

November 17, 2015 — 
'Our students want to transform the world and it’s rewarding to see how excited and committed they are to using the Game Changer competition as the platform to achieve this.'

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Extended Education News

University of Manitoba receives P.R.I.M.E. award

October 9, 2015 — 
The Canadian Institute of Management (CIM) awarded the University of Manitoba the Martin J. Lyons Best Business Professional Recognition for Innovation & Management Excellence (P.R.I.M.E.) Award.

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