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Asper School of Business News Archive

Asper School of Business News

Investing in student success

September 5, 2023 — 
Investing in student success involves resources, workshops, tutoring, funding opportunities and the like. But often the first step is creating communities where students know that there are other people who see their potential and their struggles and truly care about their success.

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three men shake hands

Asper School of Business News

Asper School of Business signs historic memorandum of understanding

August 30, 2023 — 
On August 29, 2023, Dean Bruno Silvestre of the Asper School of Business signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with leaders from Norway House Cree Nation and Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak Inc (MKO).

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Asper School of Business News

Asper Master of Finance student reflects on one year in Canada

August 17, 2023 — 
Frank Tao, a Master of Finance (MFin) student at the Asper School of Business, has just marked the one-year anniversary of his arrival in Canada, and as an international student, his motivations for pursuing his MFin lie somewhere between practicality and self-discovery.

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Ji Hyun Ko

Asper School of Business News

Replacing profit with purpose

August 8, 2023 — 
Asper researchers are publishing work that rethinks traditional business models and prioritizes sustainability. Despite the lingering, outdated sentiment that sustain-centric business is an alternative perspective, they demonstrate how and why sustainability is the future—and the now—of business.

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Man standing in front of a railing.

Asper School of Business News

New York Times: Asper School of Business assistant professor of business ethics, Jae Yun Kim

August 4, 2023 — 
Asper School of Business assistant professor, Jae Yun Kim, was featured in the New York Times around his research on how job passion can be weaponized for unfair treatment.

Three picture collage showing students at various locations in Israel.

Asper School of Business News

Celebrating 15 years of cross-cultural bonds

August 2, 2023 — 
The Asper School of Business’s Arni Thorsteinson Study Exchange Program (ATSEP) to Israel celebrated its 15th anniversary this year.

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Asper School of Business News

Asper master’s student excels in supply chain as transportation coordinator

July 31, 2023 — 
An Asper Bachelor of Commerce (BComm) alum and current Master of Supply Chain Management and Logistics (MSCM) student, Yikun Wang [BComm(Hons)/17] is making her mark as an emerging supply chain professional and an exceptional team player.

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career consultant and student point to a laptop

Asper School of Business News

Asper Career Development Centre harnesses the power of AI

July 28, 2023 — 
The Asper School of Business Career Development Centre (CDC) is embracing technological advancement by integrating AI into career development and education.

rendering of an airship Barry Prentice, UM Transport Institute talks about airships over the Arctic

July 26, 2023 — 
Barry Prentice, director of the UM Transport Institute talks about two companies looking at airships in the Arctic.

Man in blue shirt smiling.

Asper School of Business News

Asper marketing professor joins prestigious FT50 editorial board

July 12, 2023 — 
Kiran Pedada, Assistant Professor of Marketing and F. Ross Johnson Fellow at Asper, has been invited to join the illustrious editorial review board (ERB) at the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (JAMS).

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