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Neil Duboff Economics Alumni

Neil Duboff Economics Alumni

Briefly, tell us about your job. What do you find most rewarding? What are your greatest challenges within this profession?

I practice law. This allows me to help my clients understand the legal system and safely and efficiently structure their lives and businesses. It is rewarding to know that I can use my experience and training to make a difference. The greatest challenge for me in the profession is when I meet lawyers who forget that the foundation of our career is helping clients. 

What experiences and activities helped you to map out your career pathway?

My first degree from the University of Manitoba was an honours degree in economics. Through my studies I became interested in development economics and social causes. My practice working with Indigenous Canadians allows me to use my development tools from economics and law to assist first Canadians grow and overcome the economic and legal burdens they have faced over centuries.

As a student, did you see yourself in your current career? What stayed the same and/or changed? 

When I was studying economics I had no plan on entering law school. When I was in law school I had no understanding how I could use my legal training to pursue my passion for social causes. What has changed for me is my passion to make Canada an economically strong and passionate country.

What advice do you have for students who are interested in pursuing a degree in law?

Speak to practicing lawyers about the work they do, the time commitment required and the stresses and benefits of being a lawyer. Try to visualize yourself being a lawyer and assess if this might be a life path you would find challenging and enjoyable.

What job search advice do you have for students and recent graduates?

Talk to lawyers and let them get to know you. Become more than a resumé – let the lawyers (the firm) know you as a person.

Tell us a fun fact about your career path.

Prior to entering law I worked as a bank manager. When I went back to law school the bank started Saturday banking and I was able to work as a manager of the central bank branch for Saturdays. On these days I got to be quite close to a number of customers. A number of these people went on to become politicians and leaders in the business community. When I started practicing these contacts from the bank became close clients of mine in my law.

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