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Human Resources
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The University of Manitoba administrative building on the Fort Garry campus.

Message from Gregory Juliano on safety at work

February 16, 2017 — 

Message from Gregory Juliano, Associate Vice-President (Human Resources): 

Dear faculty and staff,

Joining the entire University of Manitoba community, the Human Resources unit extends condolences to the family and Winnipeg Transit colleagues of Mr. Irvine Fraser, the transit driver killed on the Fort Garry Campus on February 14.

The aftermath of such an event can be unsettling. We understand that community members’ sense of safety may be affected, and we want to remind all faculty and staff about our safety procedures and reassure the community that safety at work is a core value for us at the University of Manitoba.

The University provides 24/7 security officers on regular patrol, an increased number of security cameras in some buildings, the Safewalk Program, and Code Blue and Emergency Red Phones. Please visit the Security Services website for more information on safety initiatives on all our campuses.

Even with these measures in place, we encourage you to take safety precautions such as locking your door when working after regular hours and being aware of your surroundings, especially when working in isolated areas or evening hours, and informing yourself about the nearest locations of the Code Blue stations and Emergency Red Phones.

Continue the conversation about safety at work within your respective departments, including informing employees on fire safety and evacuation plans and overall emergency procedures. If you have any questions on these matters, please contact Alan Scott, Chief Risk Officer, Office of Risk Management at

The University of Manitoba’s Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP) is another good resource for all faculty and staff. EFAP is managed by a third-party provider that provides free, confidential 24/7 assistance on a wide range of topics.


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Emergency: 204-474-9341