Virtual event platform brings Convocation live to your living room
Find out how to use the interactive virtual event platform
Fall Convocation 2023 is fast approaching, taking place from October 17-19, 2023 on the Fort Garry campus and on October 26, 2023 for the Bannatyne campus. Ceremonies will take place in person and will also be streamed. For the Bannatyne ceremony, a YouTube link will be available on the Convocation page prior to the start of the event. The Fort Garry ceremonies will stream on our immersive event platform. If you’re attending virtually, here are some things to know about navigating the event platform.
On the day of the ceremony you’re attending, visit umanitoba.ca/convocation where you’ll find a link to enter the virtual ceremony. We highly recommend logging in 30 minutes before the ceremony starts. This will give you some time to explore the platform, get familiar with how it works and access all the fun Convocation features and activities.
- Once you log in, you’ll land in the event lobby; think of this as the reception hall. From here, you can find links to anywhere you’d like to go in the event space. If you ever get lost, you can always return to the lobby by clicking the University of Manitoba logo at the top left of your window.
- Start by watching the “Welcome to Convocation” video. Look for the screen that says “Start Here.”
- Then, start exploring by using the navigation boxes at the bottom of the screen or the small menu at the top right of your window.
- To connect with fellow attendees in real time, use the yellow chat button at the bottom right of the screen. To find someone, click on their name or type their name in the chat’s search bar.
- The ceremony program can be found on the poster board in the centre right of your screen. The program contains a list of all graduates, award winners, Honorary Degree recipients and messages from UM’s President and Chancellor.
- The live stream will change in real time before each ceremony, so if you log in to the virtual space before or after your event, another ceremony may be streaming. To replay a ceremony after the fact, all ceremonies will be archived after Convocation concludes.
- Above all, don’t worry about missing the start of the ceremony. When it’s about to start, a banner will appear on the screen prompting you to head to the main stage. Once the ceremony has started, you can pause it, but you cannot start the ceremony before the posted time.
Convocation’s virtual component isn’t just a live stream; it’s an interactive experience! Here are some of the things you can explore on the platform:
- Take a selfie at the virtual photo booth! Add stickers and a graduation cap, then share the picture on social media. Don’t forget to tag the UM social media channels (@UManitobaand @UMStudent) and use #umanitoba2023.
- Visit the awards gallery to see the medal winners and teaching award recipients.
- Get to know Honorary Degree recipients by reading their citations.
If you have trouble navigating any part of the virtual platform or experience any technical difficulties, don’t hesitate to ask a question in the live chat and we’ll be happy to assist you.
Congratulations to this year’s class of UM graduates and enjoy your day!