Centre for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning December Workshops
Check out the wide variety of upcoming workshops offered by the Centre for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning scheduled this December!
UM Learn Assignments
Date: Tuesday, December 5, 2023
In this workshop, participants will receive technical guidance on the rubrics tool as well as the assignments tool in UM Learn. Participants will be guided through the process of adding a rubric and linking it to an assignment folder. Recommended prerequisite: UM Learn Grades and User Progress.
Register for UM Learn assignments
Learner-Learner Activities for your Course – Asynchronously!
Date: Thursday, December 7, 2023
Learner-learner interaction might be a reason to “go” to class – asynchronously or synchronously! Explore your choice of examples of asynchronous learner-learner activities pre-designed in UM Learn. Decide whether you will adapt these to your own asynchronous course or even use them as the fuel for your synchronous class time! Supportive roles of technologies and tools in facilitating, managing, tracking, and assessing the activities will be shared. Is time to diversify the learning activities in your courses?
Bring a laptop or other device with internet access if possible, to access the pre-designed learning activities.
Register for learner-learner activities for your course
Self-Evaluation of Teaching Practice (TLCN10)
Date: Monday, December 11, 2023
Feedback and evaluation of teaching are part of every teacher’s life. How do you make sense of the evaluative feedback you receive from SRI scores, daily classroom experiences, and student grades? This foundational workshop examines the theory and practice of evaluation and suggests practical strategies for integrating effective evaluative practices into your teaching. Please note that this workshop does not cover the design and creation of student assessments.
Register for self-evaluation of teaching practice
Mental Health in the Classroom (TLCN07)
Date: Monday, December 11, 2023
Young adults are highly susceptible to mental health problems. We know that most instructors encounter many students who are struggling with mental health issues that affect their academic performance, behaviour in the classroom, and interactions with teaching staff. Research also indicates that the incident rate and intensity of mental health problems experienced by students is increasing. These situations can be stressful, time-consuming, and potentially can involve risks to personal safety for the students and others. David Ness, the Director of the Student Counselling Centre at the University of Manitoba, will provide you with information about how to identify and respond effectively to student mental health issues, how to understand the factors that contribute to student distress, and how to access resources. This interactive workshop will involve case study material to apply your knowledge of risk assessment, response alternatives, and on- and off-campus resources.
Register for mental health in the classroom
Navigating Challenging Student Situations (TLCN03)
Date: Tuesday, December 12, 2023
As instructors, you may have experienced behaviour by your students that you felt was disrespectful, rude, or disruptive. These can be challenging situations to deal with. Staff from Student Advocacy and Case Management and the Office of Human Rights and Conflict Management will provide an overview of pertinent University policies and procedures to help you understand your rights and responsibilities as an instructor. This interactive workshop will provide you with strategies and tips for preventing and responding to these behaviours.
Register for navigating challenging student situations
Developing Intercultural Teaching Competence (TLCN05)
Date: Tuesday, December 12, 2023
Every student and instructor brings their own culture into the teaching and learning contexts in which they inhabit. Similarly, every teaching and learning context is informed by and situated in institutional, regional, and national cultures. In this workshop, you’ll explore your own cultural attitudes, knowledge, and skills, and those of your learners and the environments you all find yourselves in. Then, you’ll apply this to your own teaching practices through elements of course design.
Register for intercultural teaching competence
UM Learn Quizzes
Date: Tuesday, December 12, 2023
In this workshop, participants will receive technical guidance through the process of creating quiz questions and quizzes in UM Learn. Quizzes in UM Learn can be used to provide both formative and summative assessment and may be utilized to facilitate exams. Please note this session is 2.5 hours long. Recommended prerequisite: UM Learn Grades and User Progress.
Teaching Dossier (TLCN06)
Date: Wednesday, December 13, 2023
Increasingly, university promotion and tenure committees are requiring a teaching dossier to document your development and achievements as an educator. This workshop looks at the requirements at the University of Manitoba for teaching dossiers and covers the basics of writing a Teaching Philosophy statement and creating a teaching dossier.
Teaching and Technology (TLCN02)
Date: Wednesday, December 13, 2023
In this workshop, we will explore a framework for using technology in teaching and learning. Rather than a technology ‘how-to’ session, the focus will be on providing a method for evaluating technology that supports the goals of teaching and learning. We will also discuss the benefits and challenges of using technology in the classroom.
Register for teaching and technology
UM Learn Quizzes
Date: Wednesday, December 13, 2023
In this workshop, participants will receive technical guidance through the process of creating quiz questions and quizzes in UM Learn. Quizzes in UM Learn can be used to provide both formative and summative assessment and may be utilized to facilitate exams. Please note this session is 2.5 hours long. Recommended prerequisite: UM Learn Grades and User Progress.
Academic Integrity Teaching and Learning Strategies (TLCN04)
Date: Thursday, December 14, 2023
Do you want to promote academic integrity in your course but you don’t know how to do this? In this workshop, we will discuss the meaning of academic integrity at the University of Manitoba, and how it relates to your teaching and learning environment (whether that be face-to-face, remote/online). We will discuss ways to implement teaching and assessment strategies that promote integrity that will allow you to focus on students’ learning and community building. Resources for academic integrity education (e.g., syllabus statements, learning activities) that you can modify and incorporate into your courses will be shared.
Register for academic integrity teaching and learning strategies
Universal Design for Learning (TLCN01)
Date: Thursday, December 14, 2023
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is an orientation to teaching and learning that promotes greater student choice and agency in learning experiences, with the aim of reducing barriers to learning by providing multiple means of representation, engagement, and expression. In this workshop, participants will explore how UDL values intersect with their own teaching philosophies, identify barriers to learning for students with a range of needs, and (re)design course elements to adopt UDL guidelines in a way that is practical for instructors yet beneficial to learners.
Register for universal design for learning
Reflective Practice (TLCN09)
Date: Friday, December 15, 2023
John Dewey observed that, “We do not learn from experience. We learn from reflecting on experience.” In order to become a better teacher, it is necessary to reflect on what we do and why we do it – to ask ourselves, is what we do effective? In this workshop we will explore several models of self-reflection, including the Gibbs’ Model, as methods for engaging in a reflective practice. Participants will also have the opportunity to share their own successes and struggles as they strive to become a better teacher.
Register for reflective practice
Indigenous Knowledges for Teaching in Higher Education (TLCN08)
Date: Friday, December 15, 2023
This workshop introduces participants to Indigenous pedagogies by contextualizing Indigenous knowledges, discussing the importance of making space for Indigenous content and knowledge transmission in the academy, and providing participants with resources about the pedagogical significance of Indigenous knowledges.
Register for Indigenous knowledges for teaching in higher education