UM Today UM Today University of Manitoba UM Today UM Today UM Today

The Magazine News Archive


Total Immersion

May 3, 2016 — 
International students leave their home communities to make or break at the U of M. Much of their success depends on the support they find in their new community.

The Inoperable Tumour

May 3, 2016 — 
Told they would never succeed, a team of alumni has pioneered a piece of medical technology that is making the impossible possible.

Gimli Beach

Life, love and film in Gimli

May 3, 2016 — 
Gimli is a place of peace, reflection and family for Manitoba Senator Janis Johnson.

John Kearsey. photo by Thomas Fricke

The influence and impact of women

May 3, 2016 — 
We all have been enriched by the strength and sustenance of the women in our lives.

President Barnard meets with a group of students to discuss diversity.

On inclusion

May 3, 2016 — 
Those of us fortunate enough to enjoy a measure of privilege can sometimes mistake inclusion as a favour we bestow.

Bringing it to the Table

May 3, 2016 — 
In the last six to eight years Winnipeg has become a Mecca of design culture, and our alumni are leading the way.

Ashley Richard

Bend, Don’t Break

May 3, 2016 — 
The thing you notice most about Ashley Richard is how comfortable she is being Ashley Richard.

Containers for medicinal tablets stand side-by-side. // PHOTO FROM UNIVERSITY OF MANITOBA COLLEGE OF MEDICINE ARCHIVES

Medical Heritage Manitoba

May 3, 2016 — 
The College of Medicine Archives in the Neil John Maclean Health Sciences Library documents Manitoba's rich history of medicine and medical research.

Arlene Dickinson

May 3, 2016 — 
President David T. Barnard goes one-on-one with one of Canada’s most visionary—and most recognizable—entrepreneurs.


Accomplishments – Fall 2015

May 3, 2016 — 

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