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polar bear

Major arctic research announcement Monday

July 3, 2015 — 
The Churchill Marine Observatory will be the first of its kind in the world

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Chancellors Hall

Research and International

NCTR Director of Research announced

June 29, 2015 — 
Aimée Craft, Indigenous lawyer and assistant professor in the Faculty of Law, has been appointed as NCTR's first Director of Research.


Carved by Coast Salish artist Luke Marston, the TRC Bentwood Box is a lasting tribute to all Indian Residential School Survivors. The box travelled with the TRC to all of its official events. // Photo by Adam Dolman

‘This history is not over’

June 10, 2015 — 
'This is our history, all of ours, and surely, it demands that we think seriously about it.'

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Campus Beautification Day 2015

Campus Beautification Days 2015 & Grand Prize Winner

June 8, 2015 — 
Campus Beautification is successful thanks to the help of the many faculty, staff and students who volunteer their time to make our campuses look amazing

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Rebecca (Delong) Dielschneider

Student wows national audience

June 5, 2015 — 
Doctoral student places second in national competition

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Truth and Reconciliation Commisioners // Photo by Cattroll Photo Associates

TRC issues call to action

June 2, 2015 — 
Commission calls for expanded responsibilities at the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation

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Changing the world with their ideas

May 28, 2015 — 
University of Manitoba will confer honorary degrees on two exceptional individuals today: Elder Stella Blackbird and Mr. Steven Schipper

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Honouring those who serve community

May 27, 2015 — 
Ms Susan Glass and Mr. Ernest Rady will receive the University's highest honour.

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Visionary presidents receive honorary degrees

May 26, 2015 — 
Drs. Emőke J.E. Szathmáry and David H. Turpin will receive highest honour

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Faculty of Science

Sixteen-year-old science prodigy discovers carcinogens in soda pop and beer

May 21, 2015 — 
Geemitha Ratnayake has a bright future ahead. Already, at the age of sixteen, he has published his first scientific paper as lead author.

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