University-UMFA Bargaining Update
Agreement on schedule of topics
Working with the University of Manitoba Faculty Association (UMFA) the University of Manitoba bargaining team has developed a comprehensive schedule of topics to be discussed as part of collective bargaining through the first week of August.
“We initiated the schedule of topics to assist in keeping discussions moving along at a reasonable pace,” says Gregory Juliano, associate vice-president, human resources, and the University of Manitoba bargaining team’s chief negotiator.
“What we have heard in the past, especially from students, is that it is frustrating to see talks take as long as they have, especially insofar as their length sometimes threatens students’ fall semesters. This schedule of topics is a new feature and it has proven useful already in our ability to better prepare for the discussions. Ultimately, we believe in doing all we can to complete collective bargaining in a timely fashion.”
Juliano notes that 27 meeting dates have been set over the next two months, and that the University’s team has adopted bargaining principles to guide them during the discussions.
Although general information regarding discussions will be made available, the University will normally reserve information on specifics until the teams have had an opportunity to explore a subject thoroughly at the bargaining table. This helps to ensure that the two sides are not locked into specific positions, and have the flexibility to compromise and consider creative solutions.
“As a bargaining team, we remain committed to operating as transparently and accountably as possible,” explained Juliano. “The University wants to negotiate a successful agreement and in a timely fashion.”
For more information about University-UMFA bargaining, see the bargaining website.