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Top 10 tips for a successful Fall Term 2023

August 30, 2023 — 

New and returning students, welcome to Fall Term! Below you’ll find information, tips and resources to help you succeed!

  1. Get organized

Put reminders in your phone or on paper. Whatever your system, find a way to stay organized that works for you. Input all the important dates throughout Fall Term – this includes assignment due dates, midterms, exams and appointments. Schedule your daily activities according to upcoming due dates and deadlines.

  1. Create a productive study environment

For your study sessions, find a comfortable, quiet place where you can be fully engaged in learning. If you’re at home, close the door and silence your phone to limit distractions. On campus there are quiet and group study spaces in all UM Libraries. Individual faculties and programs may also set aside specific study spaces for students so please check with your faculty/program administrative office.

  1. Take a self-guided tour of the Fort Garry campus

If you’re coming to campus for the first time, you might be feeling nervous about finding your way. Exploring the Fort Garry campus with a self-guided tour is a great activity to settle your nerves! Our recommended tour route takes you on a loop of (almost!) the entire campus, so set your own pace and check out the buildings and services that are of most interest to you. Plus, on the first days of classes, look for our helpful staff and faculty in the BLUE shirts and ASK ME buttons. They will happily point you in the right direction.

  1. Take advantage of UM student supports

You’ve got the UM community as a resource to provide guidance and support during your time at UM. If you have any questions, the following areas can help:

  • Academic Learning Centre– Graduate and undergraduate students can make an appointment with a writing or study-skills tutor, attend an Academic Success Workshop or join a Virtual Study Hall, all at no charge.
  • Career Services– Assists all UM undergrad and graduate students with their career planning and job search needs offering a wide range of resources.
  • Indigenous Student Centre– Indigenous Student Centre advisors can help answer your questions, create an academic plan and connect you with services and resources on campus.
  • International Centre– International Centre student advisors are here to help throughout your time at UM. Connect to find resources around academics, university regulations, policies and life in Winnipeg.
  • Student Life– Explore ways to get involved with UM community through peer mentorship programs, volunteering, student exchange or Community Engaged Learning.

Check out additional campus supports and resources available to you here.

  1. Set boundaries with your social media intake

Turning off your notifications or temporarily deleting social media apps can help with productivity and managing stress levels. It’s good to stay informed and keep up with friends, but too much can be a bad thing.

  1. Don’t skip class

We get it, there’s a lot happening on campus during your first few weeks of classes. While it may seem tempting to skip a class to join a social event or enjoy the last bit of summer weather, you don’t want to fall behind and miss a day’s worth of notes. Stay focused and engaged during class.

  1. Make clear, manageable goals

Rather than a goal of “finish all assignments,” make smaller more attainable goals so you feel like you’re making progress along the way. Try setting smaller goals, broken out by classes and assignment timelines. If you don’t complete all the goals you’ve set, look back and see everything else you’ve accomplished!

  1. Take time for yourself

Put away your screens, get creative and head outside. Take a study break, go for a walk, attend a Bisons home game or visit the Active Living Centre. You’ll thank yourself afterwards.

  1. Establish a schedule or routine

Prepare for your classes in advance. Ensure you have your textbooks, note-taking materials and water bottle on hand. Plan for eight hours of sleep so you’re ready to pay attention and retain information from your classes. Figure out what route you’re going to take to campus by car, bus, bicycle or on foot. Plan to leave early as long-needed road repairs are still in progress on campus and you may face traffic delays.

  1. Be aware of your rights and responsibilities

UM takes academic integrity seriously. You want to ensure you don’t inadvertently do something you’re not supposed to. There are many people and places on campus that will help you understand the rules and how they apply to academic work. If you ever have questions or are uncertain about what is expected of you in your courses, reach out for help – your professor, instructor or teaching assistant are all great resources.

Welcome back and have a great Fall Term!

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