Wellness tips for staff and faculty during COVID-19
Faculty, staff, students. COVID-19 has created a challenging time for us all. Here are some tips to stay healthy and flourishing.
Stay Connected
Stay in contact with your colleagues and supervisors. During remote work, team collaboration and communication can become disconnected, and it can help to consciously find ways to connect. Reach out to others, and encourage them to reach out to you. Look for opportunities to stay connected; share concerns and questions through a variety of communication channels. Have patience with yourself and others as you all adapt to the COVID-related changes.
Stay informed in a healthy way
Stay informed by accessing a few reliable sources of evidence-based information, but limit media consumption. For up-to-date, reliable information, go to Manitoba Health, the Public Health Agency of Canada, or the World Health Organization
Take care of yourself and encourage others to do the same
Recognize that your feelings are a normal reaction to a very abnormal event. It is more important than ever to pay attention to your well-being. This should include engaging in self-care, prioritizing wellness and seeking support as needed.
To take care of yourself: Be active. Calm your mind by practicing mindfulness. Take your lunch break. Start and end your day by practicing gratitude. Practice self-care strategies and encourage colleagues to do the same. We suggest checking out The Working Mind Self-Care and Resilience Guide.
Further resources
These tips have been adapted with permission from UBC Human Resources
Want to learn more about maintaining your mental health and boosting your resilience?
Watch these videos posted by the Conference Board of Canada (scroll down to the videos section), or search the many available articles on this topic at workhealthlife.com. Seek support if you are struggling. If you are experiencing anxiety due to the pandemic, find out more about Manitoba’s new mental health virtual therapy resource, AbilitiCBT.
In need of some further support? Check out these employee resources
All employees (staff and faculty) and their immediate family have access to the Employee & Family Assistance Program which provides free, 24/7 crisis supports, counselling, and wellness resources (workhealthlife.com or 1-800-387-4765). Sign up to their Heartbeat Newsletter for up-to-date resource information, wellness articles and webinar opportunities.
There’s also NEW Online Group Counselling to support you during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Group topics include anxiety, parenting and communication skills for managing relationships. Go to workhealthlife.com and click on the “Online Group Counselling” link for more information.
Are you a supervisor or manager looking to support your team’s well-being during COVID-19?
- Contact Employee Wellness or your HR Consultant for more information on helping your team feel connected, encouraging them to take care of themselves and know where to seek support when needed.To learn more, check out Managing a Team During the COVID-19 Outbreak and Tips to support mental health while working remotely, the Building Stronger Teams workbook, and Athabasca U’s free online leadership course Navigating Extraordinary Times.
Looking for resources about parenting during COVID-19?
The World Health Organization and UNICEF have numerous resources available for parents; check out:
Need some tips for a healthy home workspace?
- Check out the resources on the right side of the Occupational Health webpage and/or contact Judy Shields (judy.shields@umanitoba.ca) for a virtual assessment.
Working to support students?
- Find student resources here.
For more information on UM response, see UM COVID updates and resources.
Contact Employee Wellness or your HR Consultant for more HR information and resources.