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U of M leaders learning program // Josh Hartlin

University leaders network, learn from each other

Leadership program launches fall cohort

December 1, 2016 — 

In September, the fall cohort of the University of Manitoba Leaders Learning Program began, bringing together 17 participants from 13 departments. Participants include faculty and staff from both campuses with a variety of roles such as directors, managers and project managers.

The 10-month program includes 10 full-day sessions led by internal and external presenters, coaching sessions and an in-depth personal assessment tool called DiSC.

Participants also break into small teams and develop a potential program that addresses one goal of the university’s strategic plan. At the end of program — May 2017 for the current cohort — the teams will present their program proposal to a panel of senior administrators.

Learning and organizational development (LOD), human resources, manages the professional development program. The objective is to provide university leaders with a collegial space to build their skills.


Gene Muller // UM Today

“I am taking the program so that others on my team will see that ongoing learning about leadership is important. I would like my entire leadership team to participate in this type of program,” says Gene Muller, director, athletics and recreation, faculty of kinesiology and recreation management.

Muller feels that his leadership team will benefit individually and as an organization by completing the program. He says, “By going through the same program, we will have a common language for describing and solving the issues facing us as a leadership team. I feel that it is a high priority for me to do the course, and the next step is to get my leadership team registered in the program.”

The program has an open application process, with applications accepted at any time. Each cohort is developed by including leaders from different levels, units, campuses, roles, and positions.

Diversity and inclusion are also important factors in the selection process.

The program’s next cohort will begin February 2017.


For more information on the program, see the learning and organizational development website.

Questions can be directed to Sandra Woloschuk, associate director, learning and organizational development,, 204-474-8279

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