Waitlists reminder
With the start of Winter term 2024, it is important to understand waitlists, how to add a waitlisted course, and what to do when you no longer need a waitlisted course. Read on for information and resources on waitlists.
Adding a waitlisted course
Instructions on how to add yourself to the waitlist.
Reviewing your position in a waitlisted course
Instructions on how to check your position on the waitlist.
If it is your turn to register, your ‘Waitlist Position’ will be ‘0’ and will be accompanied by a ‘Notification Expires’ date and time; this is your deadline to register for the course.
Removing a waitlisted course
During the registration revision period, (Jan 8th – 22nd) if you no longer require your waitlisted seat, please remove yourself from the waitlist to open space for other students.
Waitlist functionality is inactivated at the end of the registration revision period (after January 22nd), and waitlisted courses are no longer displayed on your Aurora account.
Do not remove yourself from a Waitlist after the last day to DROP a course. Students will be automatically removed from Waitlists.
For further information, please visit our Waitlist page and FAQ’s.