The First 6 Weeks: Your guide to a successful first term
For new students, the first few weeks of a new term can be difficult. Locating classes, finding a place to study, learning how to study effectively, and becoming familiar with campus are all vital parts of adjusting to university.
Developed by the First Year Centre, the First 6 Weeks is an online guide designed to help new students navigate the often confusing first months of university. The online guide is easy to access and is delivered weekly to each first year student’s myumanitoba inbox, beginning on January 7 for Winter Term.
The First 6 Weeks provides directions to key supports, resources, and important student opportunities. Each week highlights a unique theme to help students transition to university and create a more rewarding and successful university experience.
The First 6 Weeks can be accessed anytime by visiting umanitoba.ca/u1/first-six-weeks. Also, all first year students are encouraged to review the guide and meet with an academic advisor in their first term. Contact the First Year Centre for more information or to find out how to speak with an academic advisor.