UM Today UM Today University of Manitoba UM Today UM Today UM Today

umfa News Archive

Human Resources

University/UMFA Anomalies Committee announces fund

July 16, 2018 — 
The Joint University/UMFA Anomalies Committee will consider applications to correct anomalies in base salaries of UMFA Members

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University of Manitoba administration buildin, with the sun rising behind it in autumn.

Moving forward together

September 9, 2017 — 
U of M and UMFA reach four-year deal

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Message from Dr. Janice Ristock

July 11, 2017 — 
Reflections on her first year as Provost and Vice-President (Academic)

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Human Resources

U of M-UMFA Anomalies Committee announces fund

June 1, 2017 — 
The Joint University/UMFA Anomalies Committee will consider applications to correct anomalies in base salaries of UMFA Members.

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Emergency: 204-474-9341