UM Today UM Today University of Manitoba UM Today UM Today UM Today

Students News Archive

On the left, male student speaking from a podium. On the right, male student smiling standing in front of a research poster.

Faculty of Arts

Undergraduate Student Research Excellence on Display

January 13, 2025 — 
The 2024 UM Undergraduate Research Showcase celebrated the exceptional work of students from across the university, highlighting their innovative research projects. Two students from the Faculty of Arts were among the winners.

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Gen Z: CBC Manitoba wants to hear from you!

January 10, 2025 — 
Share your stories for broadcast from Jan. 20 to 31


umsu university centre exterior


Winter Registration – What to know about the Add/Drop deadline

January 10, 2025 — 
Did you change your mind about a course? Have you realized that the class you’re in is not for you? Don’t worry there is still time for you to rearrange your Winter Term schedule

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Students walk on Fort Garry campus in winter


Welcome, Bisons, to Winter Term 2025

January 6, 2025 — 
I hope you had a restful break and 2025 has greeted you kindly. Whether you are beginning your studies or continuing on your UM journey, I hope you are ready for the upcoming term. At the University of Manitoba there are many personal and academic supports available for all undergraduate and graduate students, and I encourage you to check them out.

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The SVRC's office welcome space is full of comfy chairs and colourful pillows, helpful pamphlets. A selection of teas are lined up beside a kettle. There is red rope art displayed on the wall. It is comfortable and inviting.


The Sexual Violence Resource Centre is open and available to anyone seeking support

January 6, 2025 — 
For those seeking help, the UM’s Sexual Violence Resource Centre (SVRC) is open to all students, faculty, and staff who have been impacted by sexual violence, or know those who have been impacted by sexual violence. The SVRC provides support, education, resources, and referral services by fostering a safe and inclusive space for survivors to connect with support staff.

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Students standing in front of a computer watching the new aurora video


Your Guide to Winter Registration in New Aurora

January 3, 2025 — 
UM has produced an array of helpful resources to help with Registration in New Aurora.

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1934 map of the University of Manitoba and its affliated colleges


The Colleges of the University of Manitoba: A look into the past

January 3, 2025 — 
New and old students of UM may be curious about our campus’ history. What’s the deal with the various colleges? What exactly is UM’s relationship with Université de Saint-Boniface? For those that have had their curiosity piqued by going into the libraries and seeing the portraits of previous chancellors, or when seeing the dates inscribed into some of the buildings on the Fort Garry campus without any context, here are some tidbits about the University’s early history.

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UM campus members walking to catch a bus at Fort Garry.


Get Ready for Winter Term 2025 at the UM

January 1, 2025 — 
Welcome to Winter Term 2025 at the UM.  We want to ensure that all registered students have the necessary information to kick off the academic year smoothly. This information will help you navigate the beginning of the term. 


Indigenous Career Mentorship Program Mentor of the Month Noah Wilson, Senior Business Development Manager for the Indigenous Entrepreneur Start-up Program (IESP) at Futurpreneur Canada covering Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Nunavut.


Supporting Indigenous success Through Career Mentorship: The Indigenous Career Mentor Program

January 1, 2025 — 
My advice to Indigenous Students at the U of Manitoba interested in Entrepreneurship is to connect with the Stu Clark Center for Entrepreneurship as students get priority support there to work with their staff as well as attending any webinars or events focusing on business through the Asper School of Business.

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students walking outdoors on a sunny day in winter.


Understanding Waitlists

January 1, 2025 — 
The waitlist function is an important part of registration, it helps manage course demand and ensures fairness in the registration process.

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