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Research and International News Archive

Maureen Flaherty, assistant professor in peace and conflict studies.

Bridge builder

March 9, 2018 — 
Maureen Flaherty’s first visit to Ukraine in 2000 represented a 'turning point' in her life

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Terry Fox Research Institute supports trailblazing work of biologist helping brain cancer patients

March 7, 2018 — 
Brain cancer research in Manitoba has received a boost with news that a U of M researcher has won a prestigious cancer research award

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The “Forces of Nature” series, created by the Perimeter Institute in Waterloo have been installed between the Armes Buller buildings. These pop-art-influenced pieces highlight the groundbreaking contributions of women to the study of science.

Op-ed: Good news for women and good news for science in Canada

March 7, 2018 — 
'The opportunity is real to write a better script'

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Rady Faculty of Health Sciences

3MT finalist explains medicine with video games

March 5, 2018 — 
In just three minutes, big ideas become relatable concepts.

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Savannah Sparrow sits on a hand // Photo: Clair Curry

Landmark study reports on new layer of complexity in songbird communication

March 5, 2018 — 
An update from the songbird file

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Assistant Prof. Peng Liu

Faculty of Education

New prof focuses on leadership

March 4, 2018 — 
Peng Liu comes to his role as new EAF&P assistant professor in educational leadership with an approach that if you want to make positive change in society, you have to make positive change in education for the communities that need it most.

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Education Graduate Student Research Symposium

Faculty of Education

Student organizers working to improve grad symposium every year

March 3, 2018 — 
With the dust having settled on this year's graduate symposium, organizers are already exploring ways to improve next year's event. Heather Krepski, vice-president of Academic Advocacy with the Education Graduate Students Association (EdGSA) says that symposium organizers are considering asking faculty for help in reviewing proposals in order to give students direction and advice on their submissions.

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Faculty of Science

Computer science students win first place in Iran at AUTCup Robotics competition

March 2, 2018 — 
The Department of Computer Science is sending two of its undergrads to Iran at the end of this month to compete in the AUTCup Robotics competition.

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HIV/AIDS ribbon on white background

Study sheds new light on why the effectiveness of a popular HIV prevention method varies in women

February 28, 2018 — 
The study highlights the major role of genital inflammation in HIV risk and in modifying the efficacy of HIV prevention strategies

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Canada's parliament building

Federal Budget 2018 supports critical work

February 27, 2018 — 
The U of M is pleased to see the federal government’s strong commitment to fundamental research

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