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Research and International News Archive

Mother breastfeeding her baby

Rady Faculty of Health Sciences

Rady Innovation Fund supports cutting-edge collaboration

November 29, 2018 — 
Four leading-edge research projects by interdisciplinary teams have received grants from the Rady Innovation Fund, now in its second year.

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Digitization station.


How UM Libraries is rising to the challenges of record-keeping in a digital world

November 28, 2018 — 
Nov. 29 is World Digital Preservation Day

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Team Bee Box captured the grand prize of $5,000 as well as the People’s Choice award of $500.

Sweet win for Bee Box

November 26, 2018 — 
The 2018 edition of Game Changer: Manitoba’s Idea Competition, wrapped up with an exciting round of presentations from the three finalist teams

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Distinguished professor and vice-president (research and international) Digvir Jayas.

Jayas appointed Interim President of NSERC

November 23, 2018 — 
U of M’s Vice-President (Research and International) and Distinguished Professor Digvir S. Jayas named as Interim President of NSERC


Rady Faculty of Health Sciences

Ride raises funds for diabetes research

November 22, 2018 — 
It was a spirited lunch hour in Brodie Atrium at the Bannatyne campus as teams of Rady Faculty and Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management staff and students sweated their way through a high-energy fundraiser.

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U of M entomologist Dr. Jeffrey Marcus

Net gain: First new butterfly species identified since 2016

November 20, 2018 — 
Naming a new butterfly species from North America is very uncommon

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Peer leader speaks to the sex worker community at the annual Baraza (community meeting) in Nairobi, Kenya. // Image from Julie Lajoie

The Conversation: Aspirin could help reduce HIV infections in women

November 20, 2018 — 
Imagine if instead of targeting the virus, we could make people less susceptible to HIV

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Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management

Barriers to transgender Canadians’ participation in recreation & high-performance sport

November 19, 2018 — 
FKRM associate prof. Dr Sarah Teetzel delievers presenation on trans athelte study at the Research Seminar Series Nov. 30.


The Conversation: In defence of Statistics Canada’s request for financial data

November 19, 2018 — 
Proposal to collect a range of detailed financial data from 500,000 Canadians has certainly touched a nerve

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Food Systems Research Group

FSRG talk – Shortcuts, mixes and the transformation of American home baking, 1949-1969

November 16, 2018 — 
Nov 28 FSRG talk: Sarah Elvins explores the transformation of cooking in the home in the postwar era

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