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Reconciliation News Archive

Tier building outside

President’s message on becoming an anti-racist community

March 22, 2021 — 
'Our commitment must be to closely examine our past, current, and future actions to ensure that we are working towards the dismantling of racism in all its forms'

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Our shared future: two alumni behind important new book

July 29, 2020 — 
"Our Shared Future" contains contributions from some of Canada's leading scholars and leaders in positive reconciliation


Cover of Indigenous Writes by Chelsea Vowel, author photo

New book club encourages conversations of anti-racism, decolonization and reconciliation

October 7, 2019 — 
Unsettling Ideas originally launched in Regina, Saskatchewan in 2016. It received consistent interest, and now, the book club will host meetings at the U of M and in the Winnipeg community.

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Exterior of Migizii Agamik - Bald Eagle Lodge

UM to establish university-wide Indigenous leadership structure

October 2, 2019 — 
Vice-President (Indigenous) position has been approved as first step

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Grandmother-in-Residence Lorraine Cameron-Munro and a student at the 30th Annual Traditional Graduation Pow Wow in May.

President’s message on National Indigenous Peoples Day

June 19, 2019 — 
'As a community, we celebrate National Indigenous Peoples Day, honouring the rich histories, cultures and traditions, as well as the many contributions, of the First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples of Turtle Island'

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Frank Deer

The Conversation: Ancestral languages are essential to Indigenous identities in Canada

May 31, 2019 — 
'My work in the area of Indigenous education and languages leads me to believe what is core to the concern for language support is the meanings and narratives that are reflected in language'

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Noah Wilson (left) receiving an Indigenous Student Award of Excellence

Graduation Pow Wow Profile: Noah Wilson

April 30, 2019 — 
In addition to academic growth, the university experience is largely considered to be a time of immense personal development

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An aerial view of the Kapyong Barracks in an affluent area of Winnipeg, site of one of the most recent urban First Nations reserves. It will soon be transferred to seven Treaty One First Nations. // Image from Facebook

The Conversation: Urban reserves are tests of reconciliation

April 3, 2019 — 
'One approach to mitigating treaty violations is the additions-to-reserve process'

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Iloradanon Efimoff

Faculty of Arts

Vanier Scholar examines strategies for curbing racism

September 6, 2018 — 
Iloradanon Efimoff remembers standing up for siblings, cousins, and friends on the sidelines of her school playgrounds in British Columbia

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CP: Canadian universities, colleges working to indigenize programs, campus life

August 28, 2018 — 
'What we're doing is adding to the larger work that will benefit everyone'


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