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Desautels Faculty of Music News Archive

Desautels Faculty of Music

There is nothing that Selene Sharpe can’t do

June 28, 2021 — 
From running to singing to acting to studying, Selene Sharpe is a marvel, and a real Renaissance woman.

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Desautels Faculty of Music

The Desautels Faculty of Music premieres Roan Shankaruk’s ‘The Fox’

June 24, 2021 — 
The multi-talented Roan Shankaruk brings DH Lawrence's tale to life in an opera exploring gender, sexuality, and war.

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Three people dance in an illustrative photographic image with lines drawn over their movements.


Pandemic performance

June 24, 2021 — 
How a cross-faculty collaboration proves social distancing is no match for creativity.

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Desautels Faculty of Music

Zachary Rushing is a rare talent in jazz

June 17, 2021 — 
Zachary Rushing


Desautels Faculty of Music

Ashleigh Sadler is anything but blasé

June 15, 2021 — 
From a big dream to a big, impressive voice, Ashleigh Sadler has grown into her life goals!

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March 2021 UM Virtual Community Events

February 26, 2021 — 
Discover UM’s wide range of Virtual Community Events in March that are open to all.

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Dido and Aeneas

Desautels Faculty of Music

The Masked Singers

February 22, 2021 — 
UM Opera Theatre and UM Symphony Orchestra work through barriers to produce a physically-distanced opera.

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Music alumna Julie Lumsden

Music alumna finds ways to showcase talent, explore Métis heritage during pandemic

February 12, 2021 — 
Although the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we work and play, Desautels Faculty of Music alumna and rising star Julie Lumsden [BMus(Perf)/15] has continued to find ways to showcase her talent and explore her Métis heritage

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Desautels Faculty of Music

The University Singers are bringing the pops directly to your living room

November 12, 2020 — 
Watch a world-class pops concert in your pajamas!

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Desautels Faculty of Music

From construction to conducting, Ben Kroeker is building the future

November 10, 2020 — 
A lunchbreak calling led 2020 DFOM graduate Ben Kroeker to shift his career

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