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Leo Baskatawang News Archive

Faculty of Law

Learning with Chief Wilton Littlechild

December 23, 2024 — 
On Friday, December 6, 2024, members of the Manitoba Indigenous Law Students’ Association assembled for their monthly meeting with Indigenous faculty members but this time they were joined by a very special guest: Chief Wilton Littlechild, CC; KC; IPC; FP; BA, MA, LLB(Alta); LLD(Alta)(Leth)(Man). The renowned Treaty 6 lawyer, politician, athlete, Cree chief, and advocate for Indigenous rights had come to speak at the law school’s Indigenous Legal Methodologies and Perspectives class and also spend some quality time with MILSA members.

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Left to Right: Marc Kruse, Director of Legal Learning and Services, Yvan Laroque, Clinical Instructor, Dominique Gibson (3L), Melinda Moch (3L), Sarah Shuttleworth (1L), Nadine Plourde (2L), Carlie Kane (3L), Mary-Charlet Lathlin (2L), Assistant Professor Daniel Diamond, Shelby Sinclair (3L), Zackery Anderson (2L), Assistant Professor Leo Baskatawang.

Faculty of Law

UM Faculty of Law representatives show leadership at IBA

October 23, 2023 — 
Representatives from Robson Hall’s faculty and student bodies made some impressions on attendees of the 35th annual Indigenous Bar Association conference hosted by the Chippewas of Rama First Nation, held at the Casino Rama Resort, Ontario, October 12 – 14, 2023.

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Combined images of Reclaiming Anishnaabe Law book cover and law professor Leo Baskatawang

Faculty of Law

Reclaiming Anishinaabe Law

March 7, 2023 — 
The publication of a first book is a rite of passage for many academics but making it accessible to the general public is a very generous and sincere way to share knowledge. Dr. Leo Baskatawang will meet that milestone of his academic career when the University of Manitoba Press releases his book Reclaiming Anishinaabe Law: Kinamaadiwin Inaakonigewin and the Treaty Right to Education on March 31, 2023.

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Robson Hall exterior Fall 2019

Faculty of Law

UM makes Indigenous Law course mandatory for all law students, and offers new concentrations this fall

December 9, 2022 — 
A course in Indigenous law will be mandatory for all law students starting next year, and students will also have the opportunity to focus their studies in one of three new concentrations including Private Enterprise and the Law, Law and Society, and Criminal Law and Justice, in addition to the existing concentration in Access to Justice in French. Graduate law students will also see changes to the Master of Laws program including now having the opportunity to take clinical experience electives.

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Maclean’s: How schools across Canada are bringing Indigenous knowledge to the fore

November 4, 2016 — 
U of M doing exemplary work

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