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climate change News Archive

PhD candidate Lisa Matthew excites students with parallels between her research methods and video games

Clayton H. Riddell Faculty of Environment, Earth, and Resources

How video games help teach Arctic climate science

March 12, 2020 — 
More than 150 middle-and-high school learners met with climate researchers on March 5 for Arctic Science Day. Students learned how new knowledge is developed from working in harsh Arctic conditions, and how the learning process can be a lot like playing video games.

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Polar bears in the Western Hudson Bay area lounging on rocks

Climate change threatens iconic relationship

February 27, 2020 — 
National Polar Bear Day a somber affair this year

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Dr. Dorthe Dahl-Jensen receives the 2020 Mohn Prize - Photo: Alberto Grohovaz / Arctic Frontiers 2020.

Clayton H. Riddell Faculty of Environment, Earth, and Resources

CEOS chair receives prize for Arctic climate research

January 30, 2020 — 
The prize aims to put relevant issues for future Arctic development onto the national and international agenda

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Desautels Faculty of Music

The acoustics of Iceland

January 27, 2020 — 
Ís, an interactive installation, the result of a collaboration between the University of Manitoba's Faculty of Architecture and Desautels Faculty of Music, was on display Jan. 29th - Feb. 5th

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Youth climate activist Greta Thunberg meets with Dr. Julienne Stroeve, Senior Canada-150 Research Chair in Climate Forcing of Sea Ice at the University of Manitoba Centre for Earth Observation Science (CEOS)

A year of resistance: How youth protests shaped the discussion on climate change

December 20, 2019 — 
Greta Thunberg made history again this month when she was named Time Magazine’s Person of the Year

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Purple Martin perched on a stick

A (sorta) good news story about a songbird and climate change

December 12, 2019 — 
A recent discovery suggests Purple Martins, unlike other long-distance migratory songbirds, show promise of being able to adapt to climate change

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University of Manitoba Senior Canada-150 Research Chair Julienne Stroeve (Credit: Terje Mortensen/Arctic Frontiers 2017)

Clayton H. Riddell Faculty of Environment, Earth, and Resources

European Geosciences Union awards medal to CEOS scholar

November 7, 2019 — 
Senior Canada-150 Research Chair at the Centre for Earth Observation Science (CEOS), Dr. Julienne Stroeve, will receive the EGU Cryospheric Sciences Division Medal.

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A clear blue Arctic sky.

Wpg Free Press: Winnipeg scientists among 11,000 around world declaring ‘climate emergency’

November 6, 2019 — 
David Barber, an eminent climate researcher at the University of Manitoba, hopes the study can move Canadians beyond the status quo

Three conversations we need to have – right now

October 29, 2019 — 
New Visionary Conversations series to address pressing issues in our community, world

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Canada Excellence Research Chair at the University of Manitoba Centre for Earth Observation Science receives the 2020 Mohn Prize

Clayton H. Riddell Faculty of Environment, Earth, and Resources

UM researcher awarded the Mohn Prize

October 28, 2019 — 
Dr. Dahl-Jensen receives the Mohn Prize for her research and leadership in combining ice core data with climate models to reconstruct past climate and its impact on the Greenland ice sheet and global climate

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