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Centre for Human Rights Research News Archive

Professor Megan Davis smiling on a street in Australia.

Faculty of Law

Accelerating Indigenous self-determination after Trump

February 8, 2021 — 
Australian Indigenous activist-turned-academic Prof. Megan Davis has more than two decades of work with the United Nations under her belt

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Empty study space of the Master of Human Rights students at Robson Hall

Faculty of Law

Master of Human Rights students share practicum experiences in inaugural symposium

December 4, 2020 — 
Students in the practicum stream of the University of Manitoba’s inter-faculty Master of Human Rights programare nearing completion of their placements, and are already making major contributions to local human rights organizations, as revealed at an online symposium held November 30th.

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Op-ed: Charter challenges to restrictions bound to fail

November 23, 2020 — 
Your rights may have been violated. But. Finding a rights violation is only the first step in a charter analysis. Law prof explains.

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Robson Hall exterior Fall 2019

Faculty of Law

UM Law adapts to online campus with Virtual Tour and community-building media

October 8, 2020 — 
With the COVID-19 pandemic keeping most University of Manitoba buildings closed for the 2020-2021 academic year, the Faculty of Law and the community that would normally gather in Robson Hall, including the Master of Human Rights program and the Centre for Human Rights Research, has turned to alternate means to keep in contact.

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Victoria Tauli Corpuz, - United Nations Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples

Faculty of Law

Conference report demystifies how to implement UN Indigenous rights declaration

June 30, 2020 — 
Practical examples of how Indigenous peoples around the world are breathing life into the carefully chosen words of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples are now available online. The Kiskinohamatowin report is based on a conference hosted by University of Manitoba Law Prof. Brenda Gunn and consultant Celeste McKay in 2019.

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Dr. Adele Perry

Faculty of Arts

Perry named CHRR Director

June 15, 2020 — 
Historian Dr. Adele Perry has been appointed director of the Centre for Human Rights Research (CHRR) effective July 1, 2020. She takes over from founding director and law professor Karen Busby.

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Law Professor Karen Busby

Faculty of Law

A Legacy of Human Rights Research

June 15, 2020 — 
When the Canadian Museum for Human Rights broke ground in 2009, Prof. Karen Busby was tasked with helping make the University of Manitoba a top choice for students and scholars of human rights. She agreed to spend six months consulting across campuses to come up with a plan. Eleven years later, Busby is stepping down as founding director of the university’s Centre for Human Rights Research, formally established in 2012.

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Faculty of Law

Achieving fairness: Law Professor co-authors guide to campus sexual violence complaints

June 12, 2020 — 
Robson Hall Faculty of Law Professor Karen Busby recently published Achieving Fairness: A Guide to Campus Sexual Violence Complaints (Thomson Reuters/Carswell 2020) together with co-author Joanna Birenbaum, a litigator with Ursel Phillips Fellows Hopkinson LLP in Toronto.

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This image shows Grace and Evelyn's books lying on hand-made gifts they made to raise money for LRA escapees.

Faculty of Law

Justice for Girls Abducted in War

October 25, 2019 — 
War crimes trials and apologies are often the focus after atrocities. But for women who have escaped conjugal slavery, justice means addressing their immediate needs, Grace Acan told about 50 students and professors at Robson Hall on Oct. 24.

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Road to Kitgum, Uganda

Faculty of Law

Advocating for Justice and Reparations in Uganda

October 17, 2019 — 
Escaping with their surviving children from forced marriages to Lord’s Resistance Army commanders was not the end of the ordeal for Grace Acan and Evelyn Amony.

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