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Biological Sciences News Archive

A nocturnal eastern whip-poor-will rests on a hand against a backdrop of nightsky

Urban lighting needs to consider migrating birds, new UM study suggests

April 28, 2022 — 
New paper that challenges the way we think about airspace

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Young sturgeon

One fish, two fish, big fish, old fish

April 13, 2022 — 
Gary Anderson is the NSERC/Manitoba Hydro Industrial Research Chair in Conservation Aquaculture of Lake Sturgeon at the University of Manitoba

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Faculty of Graduate Studies

3MT winner looking forward to continuing research in fight against Alzheimer’s

April 8, 2022 — 
Four grad students take home top prizes at UM 3MT final

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Clover in Japan

Global Urban Evolution Project (GLUE) – cities drive evolution

March 17, 2022 — 
Cities are a powerful force driving the evolution of life across the globe

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The Experimental Lakes Area in Northwestern Ontario, where research on ageing is underway

Not just another fish tale: is there a difference between aging and getting old?

January 14, 2022 — 
Some creatures don’t age in the same way that humans do, implying that getting old does not necessarily lead to declining health

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Arctic water. // Image from Pixabay.

Faculty of Graduate Studies

Protecting and preserving the North

January 12, 2022 — 
Grad students represent researchers and scholars at the leading edge of science in the North

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Faculty of Science

BioExM – Prairie Hub to Power the Bioeconomy with Next-Generation Bio-inspired Technologies

September 27, 2021 — 
BioExM is opening the door to partners from all sectors to work together to fast track innovations in synthetic biology and bioengineering through our integrated Learn, Design, Build and Test model.

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bird in flight

One flew over the cuckoo clock

August 26, 2021 — 
UM team finds way to alter migration timing of birds that may help them adjust to climate change

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Faculty of Science

Cheer on the Faculty of Science 3MT 2021 Competitors

August 6, 2021 — 
On August 10 and 11, 2021, students will be challenged to showcase their research to a general audience in a three-minute or less in a 3MT competition. Part of the Faculty of Science, Student Undergraduate Summer Research Experience Program.

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Phil Grayson, holding a fish with a lake in the background

Research and International

Meet Phil Grayson, a new Banting Postdoctoral Fellow at UM.

July 15, 2021 — 
Phil Grayson is a new Banting Postdoctoral Fellow in the Faculty of Science, studying one of two surviving groups of ancient jawless fishes: lampreys.

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