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President’s message on search to fill Vice-President (External)

October 14, 2022 — 

A message from UM President and Vice-Chancellor Michael Benarroch:

The search process to formally fill the role of Vice-President (External) at the University of Manitoba has begun. I am pleased to announce the membership of the committee I have convened to advise on candidates for the position of Vice-President (External) and more generally, on the role. Joining me on the committee are:

  • Laurel Hyde, Chair, University of Manitoba Board of Governors
  • Diane Hiebert-Murphy, Provost and Vice-President (Academic)
  • Catherine Cook, Vice-President (Indigenous)
  • Peter Nickerson, Dean, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences and Vice-Provost (Health Sciences)
  • Gregg Hanson, President’s Campaign Team

Over the next several weeks, the advisory committee will be considering the role and potential candidates. 

Input is being requested from the community to assist the advisory committee in better assessing the skills and attributes that will be required for success in this role, specifically:

  • The opportunities and challenges awaiting the Vice-President (External); and
  • The qualifications, qualities and experiences that should be sought in candidates.

Please provide your feedback, in confidence, by close of business Friday, October 28, to Carrie Homeniuk, Director of Human Resource Services at

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