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Faculty of Science News Archive


Faculty of Science News

Faculty of Science professors named Distinguished Professor Emeritus

October 17, 2018 — 
On Thursday, October 11, the following professors in the Faculty of Science were honoured with the title Distinguished Professor Emeritus for their many contributions and years of service to the University of Manitoba.

Faculty of Science News

International win for students at the 2018 Humanoid Application Challenge

October 11, 2018 — 
Students working in the Autonomous Agents Laboratory in the Department of Computer Science had a strong showing again at the 2018 Humanoid Application Challenge, at the 2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2018)

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Faculty of Science News

“We get experience; they get new ideas”: Science Co-op partners with Wawanesa Insurance to spectacular effect

October 10, 2018 — 
Its a win-win for students and employers participating in the University of Manitoba Science Co-op Program.

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Faculty of Science News

Summer Undergraduate Research (S.U.R.E.) program helps students navigate careers in science

October 9, 2018 — 
Sponsored jointly by the Deans of Research and Student Experience the S.U.R.E. program included a variety of sessions aimed at developing skills, mentoring, and a final undergraduate research poster competition.

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Spooky Science at the University of Manitoba

October 9, 2018 — 
Let’s Talk Science will be hosting their annual Spooky Science Event on Saturday, Oct. 20

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RJ and fellow alumna Brianna at their wedding last summer.

Three types of people you meet at U of M, according to alumni

October 9, 2018 — 
From finding your soulmate to finding your squad, here are the relationships our alumni say transformed their education

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Statue of Mahatma Gandhi at The Forks

Mahatma Gandhi Peace Award ceremony to honour Cindy Blackstock

October 9, 2018 — 
2018 Mahatma Gandhi Peace Award ceremony takes place on Oct. 11

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Alex Kitt, Schulich Leadership Scholar

Player 1, Schulich Leader Alex Kitt

September 25, 2018 — 
Alex Kitt won’t admit how much time he spends playing video games, but it’s a lot, and it’s paid off.

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Reva Stone – Artist in Residence with the School of Art: September 24 – November 30

September 21, 2018 — 
Winnipeg artist Reva Stone takes up artistic residence in the School of Art for 10 weeks in the fall term.

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Decorating U of M windows with window decals and liquid chalk to protect birds in areas identified as high risk.

Global News: U of M staff and students use artwork to prevent fatal bird collisions

September 21, 2018 — 
A group of bird researchers and artists at the University of Manitoba are painting campus windows in the hope of lowering the number of birds killed each year


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