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Research and International News

Hip to heparin

March 1, 2021 — 
A University of Manitoba research team is emerging as a global leader in COVID-19 anticoagulation trials thanks to their innovative, global trial studying different types of heparin, an anticoagulant (blood thinning) and anti-inflammatory drug

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Cover illustration for ResearchLIFE Winter 2021.

Research and International News

Introducing the ResearchLIFE Winter 2021 issue

March 1, 2021 — 
UM researchers 'continuing to move knowledge forward on all research projects in general but critical COVID research activities in particular'

Research and International News

COVID-19 anxiety in the age of the anthropocene

March 1, 2021 — 
Graduate student Sarah Paradis work will show how traditional learning environments, such as schools and classrooms have become impacted by the pandemic

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A water bottle sits on the table in front of Chief and NDP candidate Rudy Turtle during a visit by NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh on Oct. 5, 2019 on the Grassy Narrows First Nation, where industrial mercury poisoning in its water system has seriously affected the health of the community. // THE CANADIAN PRESS/Paul Chiasson

A sin tax on sugary drinks unfairly targets Indigenous communities instead of improving health

February 22, 2021 — 
'Imposing a sugary beverage tax on Indigenous consumers would be unethical, contravene tax law and undermine Indigenous rights to self-determination'

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Dr. Feiyue Wang Professor at the Centre for Earth Observation Science & Canada Research Chair (Tier 1)

UM prof receives national award for environmental research

February 18, 2021 — 
Canada Research Chair honoured by professional chemistry organization

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Sarah Bohunicky, a competitor in the 2020 UM 3MT heats

Grad students ready to shine in 3MT heats

February 17, 2021 — 
The time for the 2021 Three Minute Thesis competition is drawing near!

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Fragments of Sappho? The 2014 discovery was of five stanzas of one poem and portions of a second. ('Sappho and Erinna in a Garden at Mytilene,'1864, by Simeon Solomon)

Lovers of Sappho thrilled by ‘new’ poetry find, but its backstory may have been fabricated

February 12, 2021 — 
Little of Sappho of Lesbos' poetry survives, and what does is fragmentary. Obbink’s discovery was remarkable because it preserved the final five stanzas of one poem and portions of a second, making it one of the longest continuous sequences of Sapphic verse.


A worker cuts roses to be shipped to the U.S. and Europe at a flower farm in Madrid, Colombia, in August 2020. // AP Photo/Fernando Vergara

Valentine’s Day: COVID-19 wilted the flower industry, but sustainability still a thorny issue

February 11, 2021 — 
s Valentine’s Day approaches, and the chill of winter lingers, it leaves one wondering: Where do all these flowers come from?

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Research shows the breast milk of women who have recovered from COVID-19 offers a source of COVID-19 antibodies. // Shutterstock

Breastfeeding research improves lives and advances health, but faces conflicts

February 9, 2021 — 
Breastfeeding and breast milk provide big opportunities to support maternal, infant and population health

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Older caregivers report unprecedented and unrelenting levels of responsibility, stress and isolation due to COVID-19 and pandemic-related protocols. // Image from Shutterstock

Older caregivers struggling with extra burdens of home care during COVID-19

February 1, 2021 — 
Older caregivers report struggling with increased levels of responsibility, stress and isolation due to COVID-19 and pandemic-related protocols

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