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Faculty of Graduate Studies
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Faculty of Graduate Studies News Archive

Faculty of Graduate Studies News

Applications now open for ‘Ma thèse en 180 secondes’ competition

March 5, 2021 — 
Describing your research concisely in three minutes or less is a great skill to possess. Ma thèse en 180 secondes provides the opportunity to master your elevator pitch in French. Launched in 2012, the French-language communication contest is modeled after the 3MT competition founded by The University of Queensland. This April, students in Manitoba will get the chance to compete for cash prizes, with the winner of the provincial competition advancing to the Canadian final and having a chance to move on to the international contest.

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Parliament Buildings in Ottawa. // Image from Library of Parliament

Two monumental projects to impact our understanding of who, and where, we are

March 3, 2021 — 
Researchers at the University of Manitoba are receiving a combined $4.7 million in funding for two projects

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As a matter of fact, they do sweat the small stuff

March 3, 2021 — 
A newly-funded particle physics experiment may be able to look into the structure of individual electrons—particles that have so far been indivisible

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McCall MacBain Scholarship Finalist Caitlin Thomas

Students News

UM Master’s Student named McCall MacBain Scholarship finalist

March 1, 2021 — 
University of Manitoba graduate student Caitlin Thomas [MA/21] could be one of Canada’s next McCall MacBain Scholars at McGill University. She has been named a finalist for the prestigious award and will complete interviews this month to see if she makes the final cut.

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Oil Sheen Reflection on Water

Clayton H. Riddell Faculty of Environment, Earth, and Resources News

Environment and Geography grad wins NSERC photo contest

March 1, 2021 — 
Tyler Black [M.Sc. (Environment & Geography)/20] recently won a Jury Prize and a People’s Choice Award in the 2020 NSERC photography contest for his photo of an oil slick on a test lake at the Experimental Lakes Area reflecting the surrounding forest and sky.

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Research and International News

COVID-19 anxiety in the age of the anthropocene

March 1, 2021 — 
Graduate student Sarah Paradis work will show how traditional learning environments, such as schools and classrooms have become impacted by the pandemic

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Alumni News

UM alumni are good reads too!

February 17, 2021 — 
We've highlighted a few selections for book lovers to enjoy during I Love to Read Month

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Sarah Bohunicky, a competitor in the 2020 UM 3MT heats

Grad students ready to shine in 3MT heats

February 17, 2021 — 
The time for the 2021 Three Minute Thesis competition is drawing near!

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Faculty of Education News

Faculty of Education to launch innovative international MEd cohort in second-language education

February 16, 2021 — 
The Faculty of Education will start accepting applications on April 1 for a new international master of education (MEd) cohort specializing in second-language education (SLE).

Rady Faculty of Health Sciences News

Nine grad students receive Rady Faculty Dean’s Prize

February 12, 2021 — 
The Dean of the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences Graduate Student Achievement Prize was awarded to nine exceptional graduate students in 2020.

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