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News from
Asper School of Business
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Asper School of Business News Archive

MAYAA winners

Indigenous News

Five U of M students receive Manitoba Aboriginal Youth Achievement Awards

November 29, 2017 — 
The Manitoba Aboriginal Youth Achievement Awards recognize Manitoba Indigenous youth between the ages of 16 and 24

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Asper School of Business News

UMTI director talks Churchill with CBC

November 20, 2017 — 
Adolf Ng, Director of the University of Manitoba Transport Institute (UMTI), shares his view with CBC News on the latest lawsuit and development of the disrupted rail line to Churchill

Dr. Lysa Porth, director of the Warren Centre in the Asper School of Business at the U of M

Satellite technology helps ranchers manage feed crops

November 17, 2017 — 
Dr. Lysa Porth, director of the Warren Centre in the Asper School of Business at the U of M, is part of an interdisciplinary and international research team that has received $988,000 to improve remote sensing for agribusiness applications.



Globe and Mail: Business schools reach out to Indigenous students

November 17, 2017 — 
Asper School of Business's Indigenous Business Education Partners program seen as leading the way

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Chilin for Chairty banner, a students in a superman costume jumps into a tiny pool

Chillin’ for Charity

November 7, 2017 — 
Over 40 costumed students from the University of Manitoba’s Asper School of Business will jump into ice cold water on Thursday, Nov. 9


you seethe back of a man's head as he stares at a bulletin board ful of papers

Identity crisis in the gig economy

October 31, 2017 — 
A growing segment of the business community may be struggling with an identity crisis, researchers report


Asper School of Business News

Stu Clark Centre for Entrepreneurship names first Frostbite Fellow

October 25, 2017 — 
Christos Vasilarakis will mentor students pursuing their own ideas for a venture


Asper School of Business News

Saving the world, one textbook at a time

October 20, 2017 — 
'It’s a way of getting students to participate in helping others get an education'


Zacharie Fowler

The Governor General’s Silver Medal Recipient: Zacharie Raymond Fowler 

October 17, 2017 — 
'During your time at university, be sure to make time for yourself and those closest to you'

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Asper School of Business News

Fall Convocation 2017

October 17, 2017 — 
Congratulations to all our graduates!

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