National Day for Truth and Reconciliation events and engagement opportunities
The fourth annual National Day for Truth and Reconciliation will take place on September 30. It is a day to honour the lost children and Survivors of residential schools, their families and communities. There are many ways you can observe the day, with opportunities both on and off campus to engage in learning and reflection and to honour the healing journey of residential school Survivors.
“I encourage all UM community members to honour the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation by participating in events and taking time to reflect on our past while thinking about change for the future,” says Michael Benarroch, president and vice-chancellor at the University of Manitoba. “Our journey to Reconciliation is progressing but is far from over, and I want to thank Indigenous partners for leading the way as we move down this path together. As a settler, it is my duty to continue to learn so that I can help lead change. That is what I plan to do this week and ask others to do the same.”
Engaging in Economic Reconciliation presented by the Faculty of Law, The Law Society of Manitoba, The Manitoba Bar Association, and Manitoba Law Foundation
Sept. 20, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
In person at Robson Hall, 224 Dysart Rd or online viewing
Register: https://educationcentre.lawsociety.mb.ca/events/homecoming-2024-engaging-in-economic-reconciliation/
Public Lunch and Learns hosted by the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation (NCTR)
Sept. 23-27, daily at various times
Learn more: Truth and Reconciliation Week 2024 Public Lunch and Learns Registration
Beaded Orange Shirt Pin Workshop hosted by University of Manitoba Indigenous Student’s Association (UMISA) and UMSU Indigenous Community Representative
Sept. 25, 12 to 5 p.m.
UMISA Lounge, 113 Helen Glass Building, 99 Curry Pl.
Drop-in for students and staff to come and go as they like.
If you have any questions, email Indigenousrep@umsu.ca
Teach-in for Reconciliation hosted by the Department of Indigenous Studies in collaboration with the Office of the Vice-President (Indigenous)
Sept. 27, 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. (doors open at 12:30 p.m.)
Atrium, Faculty of Architecture, John A. Russell Building, 84 Curry Place
Registration is not required.
10th Annual Orange Shirt Day Walk hosted by the Nursing Students Association, College of Nursing, UMSU
Sept. 27, 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Helen Glass Centre for Nursing – Atrium, 89 Curry Place
T-shirts will be handed out starting at 9:45 a.m.
National Day for Truth and Reconciliation Lunch and Learn hosted by the Manitoba Indigenous Law Students’ Association
Sept. 27, 12 to 1 p.m.
Common Room, 203 Robson Hall, 224 Dysart Rd.
Traditional feast offered.
National Day for Truth and Reconciliation event presented by Ongomiizwin – Indigenous Institute of Health & Healing
Sept. 27, 11 a.m to 1 p.m.
Brodie Atrium & Mishkiki Gitigaan (Medicine Garden)
Orange Shirt Day Event hosted by the Science Students Association
Oct. 1, 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
SSA Lounge 209E Armes Building
Reconciliation Run hosted by Tréchelle Bunn, UM Alum and current student
Sept. 20 to 30
Virtual and In Person – ruins of the former Birtle Residential School (registration required)
Learn more: Reconciliation Run
Craft & Chat hosted by Anish Healing Centre
Sept. 24, 12 to 3 p.m.
Kekinan Centre, 100 Robinson St.
Registration required: email registrations@anish.ca or call 204-334-9395
Painting project donation for upcoming Truth & Reconciliation Art Gallery https://www.facebook.com/anishxcorp
The Colour Orange, An Indigenous Art Gallery in the Forest in Support of The Akiing Onji Foundation hosted by Anish Healing Centre and Pineridge Hollow
Sept. 29, 5 to 8:30 p.m.
Pineridge Hollow, 67086 Heatherdale Rd, Oakbank MB
Learn more: https://pineridgehollow.com/products/the-colour-orange-2024
Beading Workshop with Laurie McDougall hosted by Dalnavert Museum and Visitors’ Centre
Sept. 29, 1 to 4 p.m.
61 Carleton Street
Registration required: https://www.friendsofdalnavert.ca/calendar/2024/9/29/beading-workshop-with-laurie-mcdougall-culture-days
Remembering the Children hosted by National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation
Sept. 30, 3 p.m. EDT
Parliament Hill (Ottawa), Live Broadcast
Learn more: Parliament Hill – Truth and Reconciliation Week (nctr.ca)
4th Annual Orange Shirt Day Healing Walk hosted by Wa-Say Healing Centre, The Forks, City of Winnipeg, True North Sports and Entertainment, Canada Life Centre
Sept. 30, 10 a.m.
Starting at Oodena Circle (The Forks), 1 Forks Market Rd.
Learn more: https://wa-say.com/event/orange-shirt-day-2024/
National Day for Truth and Reconciliation event hosted by Winnipeg Art Gallery – Qaumajuq in partnership with Hey Cuzzin!
Sept. 30, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Winnipeg Art Gallery – Qaumajuq, 300 Memorial Blvd. (Winnipeg)
Learn more: National Day for Truth and Reconciliation » WAG
4th Annual Every Child Matters Youth Gathering hosted by Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata Centre
Sept. 30, time TBA (morning)
Gathering Place for Truth & Reconciliation (445 King Street, Winnipeg)
Treaty Right to Education, Residential Schools and Reconciliation hosted by Treaty Relations Commision of Manitoba
Sept. 30, 2 to 4 p.m.
Agowiidiwinan Centre at the Forks
Learn more: https://www.facebook.com/trcm1871
Orange Shirt Days: Every Child Matters
Sept 30 – Oct 2, various times
Manitoba Museum, 190 Rupert Ave.
Free admission. Learn more: https://manitobamuseum.ca/manitoba-museum-honours-national-day-for-truth-and-reconciliation/
Visit the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation website to learn more about work being done to support truth, reconciliation and healing across Canada.
*Note: event details may change after publication. Please check links directly for any updates.