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Indigenous News Archive

Two female students sit together at a computer, smiling at the camera.

Indigenous News

Neechiwaken Indigenous Peer Mentor Program enhances support for first-year students

June 27, 2024 — 
The Neechiwaken Indigenous Peer Mentor Program helps first-year students in the Qualico Bridge to Success (QBTS) program transition to university life by promoting student engagement and a sense of belonging on campus. The term Neechiwaken means “friend” in Cree.

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Migizii Agamik building with yellow flowers

Share your feedback on UM’s Truth and Reconciliation Framework

June 26, 2024 — 
This draft framework outlines the vision, mission and shared values guiding the Reconciliation Advisory Committee in its work

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A "bird-safe" decal featured on a UM campus building, with green trees and grass out of focus in the background.

Indigenous News

Indigenous Birding Club hosts Safe Windows event

June 25, 2024 — 
This summer, the UM Indigenous Birding Club (UMIBC) hosted a safe windows event on campus to raise awareness about how many birds die due to striking windows on campus.

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A group of students, staff and faculty members stand in front of a white wall, wrapped in Star Blankets.

Indigenous News

Honouring our Indigenous Campus Community celebrates 2024 honourees

June 20, 2024 — 
Each year, Indigenous Engagement and Communications and the Office of the Vice-President (Indigenous) recognize the efforts and achievements of the inspiring people that are working to make the University of Manitoba a better place. On June 20, ten student, staff and faculty honourees were recognized for their exceptional contributions at the 2024 Honouring our Indigenous Campus Community recognition ceremony.

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Headshot of Kaila Johnston, NCTR, standing in front of a bookcase

Indigenous News

The joy that comes from creating a better understanding of Indigenous history

June 20, 2024 — 
Kaila Johnston, the lead for Education, Outreach and Programming at the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation talks about the importance of understanding the history of painful experiences many Indigenous Peoples went through for more than a century but also recognize their resiliency. Watch the video to learn more.


The Bentwood Box at National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation.

Mythbusting: Residential Schools were well-intentioned

June 20, 2024 — 
For National Indigenous History month, we're looking to dispel some myths that may be held around Indigenous Peoples in Canada. Sean Carleton, associate professor, in the Department of History and Department of Indigenous Studies addresses the critical issue of residential school denialism, a form of misinformation that distorts the facts about the residential school system.

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Mythbusting: Indigenous Peoples get everything for free

June 18, 2024 — 
As part of National Indigenous History month, we take a look at dispelling some myths that may be held around the Indigenous Peoples. Watch our first video with Niigaan Sinclair, graduate chair and professor in the Department of Indigenous studies, columnist and sought-after voice on education, politics and reconciliation.

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A group of students, many in ribbon skirts, stand together in a semi circle.

Indigenous News

Celebrating ICE students

June 13, 2024 — 
This spring, the ICE program celebrated the achievements of the student leaders that completed one and two years in the program by gathering with colleagues, friends and loved ones at The Leaf in Assiniboine Park.

Artwork by Indigenous artist Gayle Sinclair with green grass, blue sky and trees.

Indigenous News

UM apologizes to First Nations, Métis and Inuit descendant communities

June 9, 2024 — 
On Monday afternoon, UM President and Vice-Chancellor Dr. Michael Benarroch stood before a crowd of Indigenous students, staff, faculty, community members and allies to publicly apologize for the university’s history related to the inappropriate acquisition and housing of Indigenous ancestral remains, burial belongings and cultural heritage.

Three female students sit around a laptop together in a student lounge.

Indigenous News

A supportive community for returning Indigenous students

June 5, 2024 — 
Offered by the Indigenous Student Centre, The Blankstein Momentum Program connects Indigenous students like Scott Rear with UM resources that will support them through their academic journeys. Whether a returning student needs help getting back on track, elevating their GPA or connecting with the Indigenous community, Momentum provides Indigenous students with the tools they need to succeed.

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