Dr. Rod Lastra, Acting Dean, Division of Extended Education
Leadership announcements starting in 2022
The University of Manitoba is pleased to announce the following acting dean appointments and extensions:
Dr. Rod Lastra
Acting Dean, Division of Extended Education
UM’s Board of Governors approved the appointment of Dr. Rod Lastra as Acting Dean of the Division of Extended Education from February 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023. Dr. Lastra has served as Extended Education’s Associate Dean (Academic) since 2017, and Chair of Extended Education’s program review committee. He is currently also serving as acting associate area director of the Access program.
Dr. Lastra is committed to ensuring that Extended Education successfully engages with industry, professional organizations and community partners. Dr. Lastra’s scholarly interests are in the area of micro-credentials, life-long learning, micro-learning and assessing academic barriers of post-secondary attainment for under-represented non-traditional learners. He is an active member of the Canadian Association of Continuing Education, the Pan-Canadian Micro-Credential working group, and a number of international university continuing education associations.
UM is pleased the Dr. Lastra has agreed to serve in this role.
Dr. Kelley Main
Acting Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies
UM’s Board of Governors Executive also approved the extension of the appointment of Dr. Kelley Main as Acting Dean for the Faculty of Graduate Studies from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022. She first took the appointment on January 1, 2021. Dr. Main will continue her appointment as tenured Professor in the Department of Marketing, Asper School of Business.
Dr. Kelley Main is a highly accomplished administrator, professor, and researcher. Dr. Main previously served as associate dean, social sciences and humanities, in the Faculty of Graduate Studies since 2019. Dr. Main is an engaged and effective leader. She frequently contributes to and oversees multiple committees and workshops that enhance the UM graduate student experience and the university as a whole.
UM is delighted that Dr. Main will remain in this role.